Situation reversal...once again

*Xin Lei*

"Drop your weapons."

As Bai Li said that, the entire base got silent. Then it all happened in seconds.

"You bastard!" Two men tried to attack us from behind.


I ducked when the man came to land a punch at me. I shifted clockwise, balancing on one foot on the ground and one foot in the air.

I slipped my hand in my pocket. His punch landed in thin air as I moved at the right moment. I bent my leg and jabbed a knee on his groin.


He groaned in pain, and I took this chance to puncture the needle deep in his neck.


He clutched his neck, stumbled, and fell.

On Bai Li's side, he had already punched a straight elbow cut on that man's gut while still tightly holding onto the woman and aiming the gun at her. The man toppled down.

Cocoa jumped on the third guy near to him and bit his wrist hard.


The gun dropped from his hand, and blood trickled from his wrist.