What happened in the car


Chu Jie was nervously shifting and trembling in his seat. He was holding onto Cocoa, who was unconscious in his arms.

The woman, Sufy, was muttering curses as she kept on driving in the new car. Her left wrist was bleeding, and she could hardly handle the steering wheel with it. So she was forced to use her right hand more.

There was a fresh scar on her left cheek too. It were the marks of claws that tore apart her skin.

"Fucking dog!" She spat furiously.

Chu Jie jolted. His body was shaking, and his chest constricted as he recalled what happened.

When Cocoa jumped in, he immediately pounced on Sufy, biting her wrist hard. She gasped in pain, and the gun she held got jerked and thrown away at the back.

The car started to spiral out of control, and it was difficult for both Cocoa and Sufy to keep their balance.

"Grrr Arf! Arf!"

Cocoa raised his right hind leg and attacked her cheek. His claws dug in her skin, and she screamed in pain.

"Damn you!"