The most dreaded truth

*Bai Li*

It wasn't now strange why the cops weren't able to find this building.

It had only one answer.

Tian Song.

He didn't lead the investigative team to search in this part of the Natural Park, or maybe he took charge in searching this area, so he conveniently said that there was nothing here.

And then the chairs here. Twenty-one?

So were there twenty-one people here who watched Liao Chuntao die?

It was bizarre. Who were these people? What had they to do with her?

Whoever they were, I was confident that they didn't have any personal grudge with Liao Chuntao, neither her nor any other victims. Every victim was a simple middle-class worker.

Why did they kill them? I didn't know yet.

As Xin Lei said, the chairs were positioned in four rows on one side of the room, and Liao Chuntao might be beaten in front of them.