Fu Ting's case hearing (2)


High Court, Beijing.

The man at the back froze.

How is it possible? How can there be Ming's testimony?

Xin Nianzu said, "I have Miss Ming's recorded confession."

Wen Guiren panicked. He was a bribed lawyer whose only job was to put Fu Ting behind bars.

In exchange, they promised to give him loads of money enough to open his own private law firm that was his dream for a long time.

He immediately said, "Objection, Your Honor. The prosecution was not informed about such evidence."

The judge said, "Objection sustained." She looked at Xin Nianzu. "Mr. Xin. You are very well aware that all the evidence must be seen and noted by both defense and prosecution beforehand to prepare for the case."

"Apologies, Your Honor." Xin Nianzu bowed. "But I myself received the recording just a few minutes before the hearing began."