Fu Ting's case hearing (4)


High court, Beijing.

Fu Biyu looked at Wen Guiren in utter shock. Her nostrils flared in anger. "What are you saying!?"

Wen Guiren said, "Mrs. Fu. You heard me. Perhaps he asked for a second child because he wanted a son."

"How could you insult my husband like that! Ting never differentiated between Meili and Jun based on gender! He always loved them equally."

"That is not what other witnesses say. It has repeatedly come into attention that Fu Ting indeed favored a boy. Your Honor, if you permit, I would like to call some of Fu Ting colleagues in the witness box."


First came Mr. Yang, who is an assistant teacher in the same school. "Mr. Yang. Can you please tell us about the conversations Fu Ting and your group had?"