Repeat it

*Bai Li*

I was sitting on the bench, replaying the conversation we had with Yi Xiaosi in his office.

Zhang Qiuyue…

Her death was indeed shrouded in mystery. There were not many details about her case other than that she got into a car accident.

I faintly recalled the case.

Zhang Qiuyue was found in her car, her head smashed against the window. The window was completely broken into pieces. The driver was in front. His head had hit the steering wheel.

After investigation, they found out that the car collided with a truck that almost smashed the car into smithereens.

Both died on the spot.

It seemed simple and straightforward.

But my gut feeling told me that it wasn't.

Suddenly, a cry for help brought me out of my daze.

It wasn't a scream, but I heard someone yelp softly. But then it stopped. I heard nothing.

Someone else would think that it might be his illusion but not for me.