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Two goons fired once again at Cocoa, but he hopped first left and then right, dodging the bullets again.

Chu Jie rushed to bring him back, but Sufy caught his arm.

"Let go!"

He fiercely resisted her.

Cocoa leaped onto the man nearest to him before he could fire a shot again. He jumped on him and struck his neck with his claws, digging into them.

Blood sprayed from the goon's neck, and Cocoa immediately hopped aside.

Every single person present stared wide-eyed at the dog's battle with the men who clearly were at an advantage with their guns.

Chu Jie didn't know how he got the strength, but he bit Sufy's hand hard.


She suddenly released his arm and taking advantage of the situation, Chu Jie dashed towards Cocoa.

"Cocoa, please stop!" He caught his body and hugged him.
