Showdown in Tianjin (5)

*Xin Lei*

It was a relief to know that Bai Li was alright. Now, I could finally breathe. I had to find Liao Huifang now.

I heard her voice from afar, so I followed that way. Somehow, I managed to find my phone. Fortunately, I found my gun, too, with the help of my mobile's flashlight. It didn't slide that far away.

Gosh, it was a huge mess. I looked around. The gantry crane was badly broken. It was impossible to see much further ahead in any direction. There were rocks and broken debris everywhere.

I wonder who could have done this… What was the purpose? 

I made my way through the debris.

I took a rock and tapped it on the wall beside me. I wonder if Liao Huifang could understand that it was me.

No answer.

I tapped again 

No answer.