The psychology of sadists

*Xin Lei*

Bro paused the video, and we all sat in silence. It was like giving the last respects to Liao Chuntao. Liao Huifang stared hard at her sister in that video, lying motionless on the floor for a long time before she buried her head in her hands and burst into tears.

She suddenly got up and dashed away from the room. I quickly got up to follow her, but Bai Li held my hand.

He softly whispered. "Leave her alone for some time, Xin Lei."

I bit my lip.

"Yes, Lei Lei." Bro grimly looked at me, "Give her some time. She needs it. Let her be."

I felt tears trickling down my cheeks and slowly sat back.

A few moments later, Luo Zhiqiang said, "I will come back in a while." I glanced up at him. His gaze seemed cold and devoid of any expression. He soon left.
