Now I get it

*Xin Lei*

You don't plan to sleep in the same room as my sister, now do you?" Bro threateningly narrowed his eyes at Bai Li.

Well, after brainstorming different possibilities about the culprit, we thought to take a good rest for a few hours before Qi Qiang would be ready with the software.

I didn't want World War Three happening right now, so I quickly typed. "I will sleep with Liao Huifang."

Bai Li nodded. "That's a good idea."

"Wait. Have you already slept together?" Now his voice was even fierce.

Well, we had only slept together as purely sleeping together. It wasn't sex. But I knew bro wouldn't understand.

I gulped.

"Tell me, Xin Lei. Did you sleep with him?" His voice was getting lower and lower.

What should I do?

"Rest assured, Xin Zhen. We haven't done anything that you are thinking about."

Bro still seemed as if he didn't believe Bai Li at all.