A second attack on Zhang Ning

*Bai Li*

I had nothing better to do until Xin Lei would return, so I was going to sit on the bench, but then I heard some soft noises from Zhang Ning's ward in the right.

I narrowed my eyes. I felt my way and stepped a little closer towards the ward. I reached what felt like the door. I pinned my ear to it, and I could hear somebody's gasping voice from the ward.

I sensed she might be resisting something. The voices were muffled as if somebody...was choking her. My suspicions were confirmed because I heard somebody else talking, and then Zhang Ning respond to her, but their voices were too soft to decipher anything though I could feel that it might be a woman.

Zhang Xiulan? If it was her, she might be trying to kill Zhang Ning just like she attacked her at the Tianjin Port.

But how did she enter her ward?

"...is the truth...killed mom…"

Zhang Qiuyue?