Reliving that fateful night (2)

*Bai Li*

As I navigated through the VR and the memories coincided with my therapy, I remembered how Rodey caught hold of Tan Ye.

This is bad. How did Tan Ye come here? My plan wasn't supposed to fail. The container was supposed to be empty. How did a civilian enter?

Fuck! Rodey took that one second of distraction to grab Tan Ye.

But I had to be calm.

Situations like these arise in the mission sometimes. There was always a factor of the unknown which one cannot predict, and you just had to deal with it. So, I cannot lose my focus.

I didn't back down my gun because if I did, that would be a sign of giving up, and like hell, I was going to after Rodey was so close.

But there was Tan Ye. I couldn't be reckless. There was only one way, and that was Cocoa attacking him from the back and taking him by surprise so that Tan Ye could run away. I would take the chance to shoot him.

I heard Rodey say, "Come on, Major, Drop your gun."