All contact cut off


*Xin Lei*

We were preparing to leave Tianjin. Since time was running short, Bro made arrangements for a flight for all to Beijing. It was a special airplane of the Intelligence Bureau that we could use to transport Duan Deming without any problem. There was a tight security prison to transport criminals across the air.

"Hahaha! Once we land in Dongcheng, I am free! My gang will have surely sent someone by now to take me out," Duan Deming laughed like a maniac. "You losers! You cannot do anything! Hahaha!"

Liao Huifang was also ready to jump at him any moment to beat the shit out of him, but Luo Zhiqiang held her back.

"Forget it," he shook his head.

"Ho!" Duan Deming sneered. "I see something is cooking between you two, aye? Wow, Song. I didn't know that you can like somebody too."

Luo Zhiqiang seemed unaffected while Liao Huifang burst out. "You!"