See that world for yourself


Time: 4:30 PM, 33 hours left.

Ying Yue and Cocoa had their gazes locked and were staring at each other for God knows how long. She shifted a little in her place that caused him to bark.


Ying Yue stiffened a bit.

Cocoa leaned to nudge his face on her, but she shifted to back. He was furiously wagging his tail, dissatisfied for not being able to nudge and lick her.

"Ooowww…" he softly howled.

Chu Jie observed their silent interaction and then looked at Ying Yue. "Are you afraid of dogs?"

She softly bit on her lower lip. "A little."

"Why? Dogs are so cute!"

"Arf." Cocoa followed as if he agreed.

"That…I was young, an angry dog chased after me when I was coming back from school. Thankfully, a shop owner shooed him off. Otherwise, he would have bitten me. So, since then, I am a little afraid of dogs."