The guilty soldier

Time: 8:45 PM. Twenty-eight hours and forty-five minutes remaining.

The man in the dark frowned. He narrowed his eyes.

What is he talking about? There is no way I left any clue.

Su Weiyuan smiled. "Why don't you guess?"

He got irked at his provocation. 

"Heh! You are just trying to shake me off, Captain. I know these tactics of interrogation that you are trying with me. But they are not going to work."

He shrugged. "They are not any tactics. Why don't you think for yourself for a few minutes and try to guess what that thing is."

The man got just a bit restless. Su Weiyuan sounded as if he really knew or figured out something.

"Don't play games with me. It's of no use."

Su Weiyuan raised his brow. "That's it? You cannot think of anything?"

The man clenched his fists and gritted his teeth in anger. He wished to kill him right then and there, but he had to know what this thing was that Su Weiyuan was saying.