Long time no see

Time: 10:05 PM.


*Bai Li*

What Su Weiyuan said was the same thing I figured out exactly almost an hour ago. It was obviously someone from the army who had attacked Su Weiyuan.

The question was, if not Yu Zichen, then who?

At his home, Xin Lei and Major General got messages about a location, and Major General was sure that it was Su Weiyuan's message. I was too, only because he was smart as hell. He must have already taken a small transmitter with him when he left to visit Yu Zichen and hidden somewhere on his body. He knew he could be attacked.

So, at the right time, he switched it on, and it sent signals about his location.

I heard Yu Zichen say, "I know this place. It's an hour away from here. There are nothing but old residential apartments that are going to be demolished."

I heard Xin Lei's pitter-patter on the phone. "A perfect place for hiding Su Weiyuan."