General Song's end

Time: 11:05 PM. Twenty-six hours and thirty-four minutes remaining.

*Xin Lei*

It felt as if General Song wanted to hide his shock but failed miserably. He did his best not to show it on his face, but that second of his body stiffening and his eyes slightly widening gave him up.

That meant that he knew about the boss. 

"CrimsonInstinct is your boss. Your gang uses an app - FriendsChat to lure in the victims and then kill them. That is how they caught Chu Jie too."

General Song refused to say anything.

He said, "I don't know, and neither are you getting anything from me."

Major General squinted his eyes. "General Song. It would be in your best interests to tell everything."

He snorted. "Sure. You can try."

Bai Li said, "Do you think that Zhang Chao is going to help you out?"

He shot a sharp gaze at him. "What?"

"You are working for her daughter."

His eyes widened as if they would pop out of their sockets.