Let's get started...

Ying Yue slightly trembled by the way he spoke. She could clearly feel the lust in his gaze and words. She recalled how he was trying to feel her in the bar, and if not for Rodey, she didn't know what would have happened.

She peeked outside, but there was nobody.

Risfun smirked. "There is nobody who would disturb us, darling. We will have some fun, and you will be back without anybody knowing anything."

He sighed. "We are playing with that other woman…"

She stiffened on hearing Xue Jingjing's mention from his mouth.

"...But I cannot wait. I always wanted you. I was so desperate to have you. But that damn Rodey suddenly stuffed her on us, and we had to postpone your fun time."

Ying Yue felt as if thunder struck her. Her body froze, and she felt paralyzed for a moment.

She raised her head and stared at him, dumbfounded.
