The little girl and the rabbit

Time: 11:04 AM. Thirteen hours and twenty-six minutes left.

*Bai Li*

Qi Qiang gave me the information I needed, so I set out towards my destination with Liao Huifang.

I was ninety percent sure that I was right in what I had figured out. I just needed that last ten percent assurance.

I heard Liao Huifang say, "Yes, this is the address that Qiang gave."

I nodded. "Let's go."

She pressed the doorbell, and a few moments later, I heard someone opening the door.


The voice was gentle and sounded that of an elderly woman.

"Hello. We are here to meet Mr. Gong. Is he at home?"

"Yes, he is. Who are you two?"

"Somebody who needs your help in finding a criminal."

"Criminal?" I heard her softly gasp, "How can my husband have anything to do with a criminal?"

I shook my head. "Not now. It's about something that happened years ago. We need confirmation."