Her life in the Zhang residence (2)

Time: 1:22 PM. Eleven hours and eight minutes remaining.

*Bai Li*

"You know what Zhang Chao said when I ran into his room, crying and screaming to tell him that Ning killed Mom?"

I said, "With your tone, I can say that he must be very thrilled."

Her voice got low as she spoke, "The news didn't even twitch a single muscle on his face. The only thing that he uttered was 'That's unfortunate.' And I was just standing there looking at him, shocked. That was it, and then he went back to reading the morning newspaper again as if it was so insignificant not worth his time."

She laughed. "His wife died in the dead of night by her own cold-blooded daughter who slit her throat, and his reaction was 'That's unfortunate.' That's when I realized why Ning is the way she is. Why she bonded with Zhang Chao over the years. She got her messed up head from him."