The final showdown (16)

*Xin Lei*

Bai Li dragged Bloodygame up and dumped him on the same spot where Fu Meili breathed her last. Even though the place was different, the feel was just the same.

He tried to fight back, but Bai Li kicked him straight in the jaw. Two of his teeth broke, and his mouth began to bleed.

Cocoa bit his other hand, and now both of his hands were useless.

"Xin Lei. Tie his wrists together at the back."

I thought back.

Just like Fu Meili was.

I saw one dagger lying around and narrowed my eyes. 

Just the perfect weapon…

I picked it up and handed it to Bai Li.

He smiled and raised it in front of Bloodygame, twirling in his hand. "A fine dagger, isn't it? Does it ring a bell?"

Just like his name, his face and hands were all bloody and messed up now.

He looked up towards the dagger.

"Does this situation remind you of something?"