Happy New Year!!!

A very, very, very Happy New Year to all my dearest readers! ^^ May God bless you all with an awesome and rocking 2021 with tons and tons of happiness!

A big THANK YOU to all for your precious love, support, powerstones, comments and reviews for Crimson Instinct. I wouldn't have made it where I am today without your constant encouragement. Hope to see you all with me in 2021 too in new stories and new journeys! ^^

An update that there will be no chapter today. I am sorry I couldn't inform you all with my yesterday's chapter but until last moment I thought that I will definitely write one lol *sweats* But 31st Dec took over me and I skipped writing the whole day *cough* hehe~

I didn't want you to spend your coins/FP for this announcement so I published in auxiliary volume for you to read free.

Updates will be back tomorrow!

Thank you for your understanding! And with that, let's enjoy the first day of 2021!!!