From the dark and into the light




Ying Yue, who was blankly sitting in front of a ward, heard her mother's voice and trembled.

As soon as Ying Lan got the news of the group's escape, she immediately rushed to the hospital with the Army soldiers. 

Ying Yue slowly raised her head and saw his mother running towards her. Her eyes filled with tears, and she stood, her knees shaking. 

Ying Lan hugged her and broke into tears. "Yue...Yue, my daughter. Y-you are alright. I-I…" she was having difficulty in speaking as she sobbed.

"I thought...I really feared for a moment that I won't ever see you again…"

Ying Yue's lips trembled. She hugged her mother tighter and buried her face in her neck.

She saw how Ying Lan had gotten so weak and frail in just thirty-six hours. It looked as if she didn't eat or drink at all.

"Mom…I am sorry...I am sorry for making you worry. I am sorry for being careless."

Ying Lan sobbed harder.