A surprise

*Xin Lei*

It was almost three hours when the surgery got over. It was quite a delicate surgery since it concerned Bai Li's eyes.

His surgery was a complete success! Bai Li was out of danger!

The scar would remain for a long time, but the threatening part of his condition was successfully treated.

Ah, I couldn't wait for Bai Li to wake up!

But I was still amazed as I thought back to seeing Long Hu at work.

He really deserved to be called an excellent doctor. I could see why he was so famous now. His movements during the surgery were so light and fluid as if he wasn't putting any pressure at all, yet everything was happening just the right way.

I felt as if my assistance wasn't even needed as he had asked. Even with his left arm alone, he could have flawlessly done the entire surgery.

Long Hu wasn't just talented, but he was a gem in the medical field.