The truth is out


Ying Yue and Ying Lan were waiting for Rodey to wake up. His surgery was over and now it all depended on when he would be conscious again, though the doctor said that within 24 hours was the window they could expect.

Suddenly, they heard rapid footsteps and somebody grabbed Ying Yue's shoulder.

A hand raised to slap her but Ying Lan was quick and caught it in time.

"Elder sis!" She looked at her shocked. "What are you doing?"

Xue Xiying's eyes were bloodshot as she glared at them. "What I should have done way back! My daughter…my poor daughter Jingjing got kidnapped because of her! That man took her away for revenge even though she was innocent! I want to know where my daughter is! Where is she!?"

Ying Yue expressionlessly looked at her aunt. "She is admitted in some other ward for her treatment."

"T-treatment…? What happened to her? Is she hurt?"

She slowly nodded.