The perfect end for Zhang Ning


*Xin Lei*

In Bai Li's ward, we laughed and talked, and then we heard some rapid footsteps. The door opened.

"Xin Lei!"

I turned and smiled. "Liao Huifang!"

Behind her, Luo Zhiqiang slowly stepped in and nodded at me.

Liao Huifang slowly covered her mouth with her hands and seemed in disbelief. "'s true. You really can talk now...OMG!!!"


"When Zhiqiang first mentioned it to me, I was so shocked that I couldn't believe him at all. So, we had to come here! Xin Lei. I am so happy for you. Really really happy…"



"Oh, Cocoa!" She bent down and hugged him. "Aww, I missed you so much! It feels like forever that I have seen you."

"Arf!" He excitedly circled her and wagged his tail.

"Ahahaha! It tickles. Stop~~"

Bai Li asked, "I see, so you missed Xin Lei and Cocoa. What about me?"

Liao Huifang grinned. "Of course, I missed you."