A woman of will and determination

Rodey gritted his teeth. "I don't have to explain anything to you. I do whatever I want to do. I felt like betraying, so I did! It's got nothing to do with you, so get off your high horse."

Ying Yue calmly said, "I won't. Maybe I wouldn't have told you this if I hadn't known your feelings, but now I do."

"It's a mistake! I was just overwhelmed, so don't get it to your head, dumb woman."

"But you didn't do everything before that feeling overwhelmed."

Rodey wanted to bang his head on the wall.

Why is she so adamant? Is she crazy? Doesn't she understand the situation?

I just told her that I would go to jail, so why is she so persistent!

"Alright, I am pissed off now. Get out! Didn't I say not to show your face until you gained 7 kgs? So get out."

Ying Yue slowly kept her hand over his. "Rodey. You don't have to think about me. I know, and I understand what is going to happen next. I will wait-"
