A possibility of a lighter punishment

A few days later.

Ying Yue was on her way to bring breakfast for Rodey. As she reached near his ward, she heard noises coming inside.

Rodey is talking to somebody…

She stepped closer to the door and saw two men she never met before. One was a middle-aged man sitting beside Rodey, while the other was a young man standing beside the older man. But they resembled each other a lot.

Are they father and son?

She could hear their voices.

Inside the ward, Xin Nianzu said, "You must know why we came here."

Rodey shrugged. "Have you come here to take me to jail?"

"No. Not now, at least. But we came here to tell you there would be a court hearing to decide on your punishment by the law."

Rodey didn't care. "Whatever. I already knew that. But that still doesn't explain why you are here. Aren't you a lawyer? A defense lawyer at that."

"Correct. I came here to offer to take your case."