Compensation worth ten years (1)



Today, Ying Yue was a bit slower than usual in reaching the hospital. There was only one reason for this, and that was Rodey's discharge.

But his discharge also meant that he wouldn't be free anymore in a few hours. He was in the Army's custody, and after twenty days, Rodey had fully recovered. His injuries had healed.

So, it was time that Rodey's court hearing would be arranged soon. 

It was the day after the next. So, counting today, Rodey had less than forty-eight hours until his hearing would begin, and he would be sentenced to jail.

The more Ying Yue thought about it, the more she felt depressed. This day was going to come sooner or later, but she felt as if time passed in the blink of an eye. Her heart raced to think that they would have to separate after two days, a heavy feeling settled in her chest.

As she opened the door to Rodey's ward, she saw him lazily lying on the bed and eating grapes.
