Endless supply


*Xin Lei*

I gulped.

"Tell me the truth!"

Suddenly, Dad smacked on his head. "Hey! Don't you raise your voice against my daughter."

Bro gritted his teeth. "They have definitely done something."

He walked upto Bai Li and narrowed his eyes on him. "You cannot fool me. You two look different."

Bai Li glanced at me and I glanced at Dad. There was this circle going on.

"You two have slept together!"

I blushed and averted my gaze. "Hehe~~~"

"Don't show that stupid blush and grin!"

Dad smacked him again. "Stop bothering the couple. You are annoying now."


"What Dad? So what if they did it? I had told Lei Lei anyway to make good use of time. They did. I am proud of them."

Bai Li suddenly coughed hard. "Ahh, no wonder Xin Lei seemed so flustered throughout the day. You two had that talk I see…"

I sheepishly grinned. "Haha...it's all Dad's fault."