Taking Ying Yue under his wings

Outside, Rodey met Xin Nianzu and once again, they were left alone for five minutes.

Rodey said, "Take care of her."

He waited. He knew that Rodey had to say more.

"I meant financially. She is struggling for her college and household expenses. I want you to take her under your wing. Of course don't tell her about that or that fool will refuse."

Of course, Xin Nianzu had all the intention of helping that young woman, but he teasingly said to test him, "Hoo isn't that too much you are asking for?"

Rodey's mouth twitched.

This man is just like that soldier. Annoying and infuriating!

He gritted his teeth. "I am not telling you to do it for free! I will pay you!"