Let's learn together

It was eight years ago that Ying Yue realized one day that she was pregnant. It had been two months since that court hearing day when she talked to Rodey before he was taken away. Though she did fulfill her promise that she would come to meet him frequently.

She started getting nauseated and dizzy. Sometimes she would feel lethargic for no reason and puked at almost anything she ate.

Ying Lan immediately caught onto it. She had been noticing her for the past few days and now her suspicion got stronger.


Ying Yue sighed and shook her head. "It's okay Mom. Maybe I am tired. I will be fine after rest-"

"You seem to be pregnant."

The chopsticks fell from her fingers and she widened her eyes.


"Yes. Your symptoms say that clearly. You look different too. Pregnancy gives that change in one's body. The more I look at you, the more I am sure now that you are pregnant."