Auction House

Clank! Clank!

A sharp metal sound can be heard in a dim lit room followed by a soft weak voice. "Hey! Wake up!", a frail looking young girl in tattered clothes uttered as she looked at the girl, more like a young lady, lying on the cold floor her features illuminated by the candles inside the room.

"Mmm~", the lying young lady slowly woke up being greeted by the dimness of the whole room. Nanna's eyes tried to adjust from the little light available from the burning candles on the wall. As her eyes adjusted, she saw other girls and some boys inside what seems like a cell realizing she is in one too. "Where am I?" she asked no one as she moved towards one of the side of her cell trying to break it or find a way to ge out even though she knew that it was a bit futile seeing the iron bars.

"That's no use with your body you wounldn't be able to even make a dent on those bars. Give it up", a soft yet sharp toned-voice said. "This place..." the voice added trailing off " the auction house.The biggest one in this kingdom" another said finishing the sentence of the voice earlier.

Nanna looked to where the first voice came from but she wasn't able to see her face clearly, not until the girl moved slightly letting some light shine on her face. Nanna was surpised on how the girl looked so young she then looked around realizing that even the other that spoke earlier was young a boy. "Why are you all here?" she blurted out.

Hearing her question, the ones in the room got even more quiet than they already are, all having sad looks on their faces, some even started to sob and cry making the guards outside come in angrily. They struck their lances on the bars of the cells scaring the little ones in to keeping quiet.

Nanna was about to retaliate as she pitied the young ones but was held back by a hand. She looked to where it came from and saw the girl from earlier holding the hem of her dress shaking her head. "Don't you'll just get in trouble. They won't do anything to them..yet" she whispered, saddness evident on her voice while her face gives off an indifferent look. The guards looked around, satisfied that the ones in the room quieted down, they went back outside to their post.

The girl released her hands from Nanna's dress," Sorry" she said before turning towards the opposite direction, not in the mood to answering anymore questions.

Nanna was about to ask her another question when she saw what the girl did and decided to stop and just waited for what will happen to her next. She sighed, trying to remember what happened before she got there. The only thing that came in to her mind was that she and her relatives were walking then she got dizzy. Her eyes suddenly widened as it stuck her, those people really didn't thought of her as family but instead they saw her as someone they can get money of. She slumped down hugging her knees as tears swell up on her eyes thinking of her grandmother," Grandma, I missed you so much. I missed our days where only two of us are there but now I'm the only one here."she said quietly before wiping her eyes, "This is not the time to sulk" she looked around thinking of a way out then a curtain opened on side of the room.


As the night deepens, the auction house got even more lively. Excitement and tension can be seen from everyone as the climax of the night comes.

A particular group of men can be eye-catching if one paid attention. Consisting of three beautiful men, this group emits a mix of elegance and manliness. The three men showed indifference to the auction, ony there for who knows why. One might assume these men were only there to flaunt their status and looks but who would really know the reason.

"Waste of time," one guy said with irritation in his voice. He regretted agreeing to come to this place, if it wasn't for an information he got he wouldn't be here. He started to shift in his chair about to stand up when another said," Young master~ you are so impatient, believe me when I tell you something big will definitely happen tonight, my instincts haven't failed me yet" he said confidently with a smug look on his face. The young master sat back down lazily and yet still elegant,'If nothing happened after the town bell rings I'm going."

"For the last item, we present you a very beautiful piece" the auctioneer said as a box-like object got reeled in, it was covered with an enormous cloth. The cloth was removed as the box-like object stopped at the center of the small stage revealing a young lady with a very distinct silver-tipped ears and tail that dazzled even under the candle light.

Everyone was stunned as they saw what was inside the cell. One can tell even under these circumstances that this young lady is very gorgeous and a rare beauty especially with those features.


As the curtain was opened, Nanna's sight was obstructed by something making it really dark every where she looked. Her heart beat faster afraid of what might happen, she protested asking where she will brought to but instead of an answer she got her cell bars struck by something before she could react to it she heard loud voices full of excitement.

Nanna gulped thinking of her grandmother asking for her guidance as the cloth covering the cell got removed revealing Nanna with a fierce look, alert and ready to fight back or run when someone comes near or open her cell.

The crowd got quiet for sometime seeing her appearance. No one dared to make a sound, at least not until the auctioneer started the bidding. As the bidding went on, Nanna gave an even fiercer look as if indicating that if anyone ever got her they will surely regret it. The crowd seeing this got excited even more, they all have a strong desire to tame her except for the young master's table.

"Didn't I tell you something interesting happen" the guy said pointing at Nanna.

"She doesn't interest me" the young master bluntly said before standing up and was about to head towards the door when a strong sweet fresh smell invade his nose as the last sound of the town bell rang. He sharply turned to where it was coming from but even before he could react everyone inside the room already started to act violently and crazily all wanting to have a taste of that sweet fresh smell.

Inside the cell, Nanna was looking fiercer than ever but as the last sound of the town bell rang she suddenly felt weak and dizzy. She tried to support herself not wanting to show any weakness but failed. She felt her body was like on fire her heart beats faster making her grasped her chest. She got scared thinking what is wrong with her. She tried to calm herself but was unable to instead she wanted to remove her clothes as they felt like they were rubbing on her body so much making them uncomfortable.

As Nanna struggled, almost everyone around her started to act crazily and violently wanting to get to her. The auctioneer ordered the guards to stopped the crowd as they come towards Nanna not wanting her to be soiled at least not until she got sold of.The guards struggled to contain the crowd breaking through them and towards the cell. They violently shake and reached for Nanna inside the cell as the guards continue to fend them off. Due t the crowds tenacity, the cell got broken off and to Nanna's horror she got dragged away from the cell. She looked around and just then she realized what was happening to her. Her "heat" has come.