First day in Hartgilde mansion!

Ms. Langrin stood at the entrance of the courtyard. She wore a stern look, her hands folded in front of her as if she was going to start to lecture someone. She looked at Nanna from head to toe, "You'll be working here, sweeping the ground and watering the plants. Lila will accompany you making sure you will do the chores well and not make any trouble."

Nanna listened well to what Ms. Langrin had told her, nodding her head to indicate she understood everything. She was happy that Lila will be there to help her and yet under the stern gaze of Ms. Langrin she can't seem to relax as if she was being watched by a predator ready to strike once she made a mistake.

Lila was glad she got to help Nanna to adapt in her new life in the mansion.

"After your work here, Lila will be helping in the kitchen while Nanna will be going to young master Rem. He wants to talk to you." She added before leaving the two to their work.

Nanna let out a breath that she didn't know she held, "Ms. Langrin sure is very scary." She relaxed before reaching for the broomstick that Ms. Langrin left for them to use.

"Yeah, Ms. Langrin is very scary. She is very serious when it comes to work but she can be loving and gentle too." Lila said as she thought of the times Ms. Langrin helped her when she got sick. "Ms. Langrin is also an alpha so it adds to her imposing aura." She took another broomstick and helped Nanna sweep the ground.

"Oh, is that so. She hasn't released her pheromones yet but my knees got weak already just by standing in front of her." Nanna said as she swept the courtyard ground making sure no fallen leaves were left.

After they have swept the whole courtyard, they both took turns in fetching water in the nearby well as they watered the plants.

In no time, the two finished the chores entrusted to them. They bid farewell to each other temporarily as they both moved to their next tasks.

Nanna made her way to the second floor. Lila told her that master Rem would always be in his work room during this time of the day. She made her way to the room Lila told her. She knocked twice before opening the door carefully.

The first one she saw was an unfamiliar person sitting on the sofa. He was as good looking as Clive was but has more of a friendly aura. He wore glasses giving him a scholarly look and a smile that was very accommodating.

"Come in" Rem instructed Nanna as he saw her by the door.

Nanna's attention turned to Rem. She smiled at him before coming inside closing the door behind her. She sat across the two of them thinking who the new person was and why did Rem called her here. She thought she would only find Rem inside or probably Leon too but she didn't expected Rem would be there with someone else.

"Nanna you may be wondering why I called you here, right?" Rem poured a cup of tea for her.

Nanna nodded her head as she took the cup handed to her. She took a sip and calmly answered, "At first I was wondering but I realized it might be because of what happened the other day."

Rem smiled at Nanna as he introduced the person beside him, "This is our good friend Isaac Carlfrid. He is a healer and is here by our request to examine you."

"Nice meeting you, Nanna. I heard what had happened to you at the auction house." Isaac offered his hand to Nanna. Nanna shook his hand as she listened to him.

"Can you tell me exactly what had happened?"

Nanna looked at Rem who was sipping his tea when he noticed her he nodded and smiled at her. It was a smile that calmed people. Thinking about what happened at the auction house, Nanna still could not forget the fear that took over that time even though she kept telling herself that it will never happen again, still she got haunted at night.

"It was all too sudden. At first, I was feeling fine but then I suddenly felt sick and dizzy then my body slowly started to feel warmer and then hotter not to mention the stares I got from the people around. Those stares… felt like they're going to tear me apart. It was all too new…and too scary." Nanna's hand trembled as she narrated what had happened that night.

Rem and Isaac was surprised and sympathetic especially when he saw her full of tears. Rem placed his cup on the table and moved beside Nanna. He pulled her in to an embrace. Nanna was confused by Rem's action but then she was surprised as she saw droplets of water staining Rem's clothes she then realized that she was crying.

Nanna wiped her eyes. She tried so hard to keep her emotions intact and yet talking about that night she just couldn't help it especially when someone was willing to hear her out.

The two was silent as Nanna's emotions poured out of her. She silently cried in Rem's arms.

After sometime, Rem pulled away looking at Nanna not with pity but with warmth he assured her, "It's okay now. No one will hurt you here." Rem once more pulled Nanna in an embrace. Nanna relaxed, her tears stopped falling. Other than her grandmother no one showed this much warmth to her, she was glad they took her from that place otherwise she could not imagine what would had happened to her.

"Thank you." She pulled away from Rem's embrace and looked at Isaac. "That was my first time experiencing it. I have only known about it from my grandmother and from some books I've read. That's how I realized that I became an omega. Is that even possible? I've known myself to be a beta then suddenly one night I became an omega."

Isaac silently and patiently listened to Nanna. It was evident on her voice the various emotions that clouded her whole person once that night was talked about. It was common and was expected of her to not easily forget things like that.

"The biological role examination is not 100% accurate but your case is a very rare one. I haven't heard a beta turning into an omega in just one night." Isaac sipped some tea from the cup given to him earlier. The tea was no longer hot, it was rather lukewarm. This put a frown on his face. He always liked his tea hot that's how he preferred it.

He placed the cup on the table before continuing, "The only explanation I can think of is that you were always been an omega." Nanna widened her eyes, hearing what Isaac had said. 'She had always been an omega?! Does her grandmother knows it?' she thought. These are only a few of the questions that now ran around in her mind.

"But first may I examine you. I want to check the condition of your body. Taking the potion intended for Rem might have caused discomfort or problems in your body." Isaac informed Nanna knowing that Rem's potion was strong.

Nanna looked at Rem before she nodded her head. "What should I do?"

"Please lie down." Isaac instructed her as he moved to the side of the sofa where she lied down. Rem moved to another couch as he watched them. Isaac placed her hands over Nanna's body some inches above it before closing his eyes and chanting. His hands glowed.

Nanna felt something warm enveloped her. She can feel it on her body and inside of her. After sometime the warmth was gone. She heard Isaac saying that the examination was finished. She sat up and looked at him waiting for him to tell them how did the examination went.

"The good news is that you're in good health and it seems that the potion never caused any problems for your body. The effects of the potion is still on your body and is still suppressing your 'heat'."

"That's good to hear. I'm ready to scold Leon for giving you my potion since it is stronger than normal." Rem sighed in relief. He have heard rumors before about the potions causing omegas to get very ill or even die when they took the potion not meant for them so he was really worried but it was a relief that nothing really happened to Nanna.

Isaac hold out his hand to Nanna making three bottles of red liquid appear on his hand before them. "Take these. These are suppressant potions. They're like Rem's but less strong and is the right for an omega who is having her first 'heat'. Take this also with you." He handed her a thin book. "There's enough information about the biological roles there. If you are still confused you can ask Rem and Leon or me."

Nanna took the potions placing it inside the pocket of her apron and hold on to the book. She stood up and thanked Isaac. She then looked at Rem and thanked him too, then asked him if there was anything more. Rem smiled and shook his head letting Nanna go.

Before Nanna could leave Isaac reminded her. "Remember you are still in your 'heat' period so be careful. Drink half of the bottle once a day for four days that should help you with your 'heat'."

Nanna nodded her head and bowed to them as she thanked them again before exiting the study leaving the two to themselves.