Light has been shed...

In an instant, the streets of Louka became deserted and quiet. It was as if the once lively town became a ghost town in a snap. Even the creature itself became quiet like a hunter just waiting for the perfect opportunity for its prey to take the bait before it strikes. In this case, it's not only one person that is the victim but a whole town.

"It is careful…" Oswald whispered, an unconscious gesture that his body made.

"Careful enough to tell us that this creature can think or at least it seems like it can." The others nodded as Rem continued what Oswald was going to say. But before anyone can add more to their conversation another cry was heard as they were forced to scatter while they dodge unexpected attacks that came at them one after the other.

The attacks were deflected but with the cost of being far away from each other. Everyone was vigilant as their enemy used the darkness to its advantage but before anyone can catch their breath more were sent their way and this time the creature trailed behind and attacked the closest one, Rem.

The creature tried to land a blow on Rem but it was blocked effortlessly but it didn't stopped there instead it got angry and tried to land more blows strategically. Rem blocked them all the same. After the last contact, it backed away and roared so much that Rem felt like he was going to be blown away then it stopped and just stood there a few feet away from him like it was waiting for something. It was then that he was able to take a closer look at this creature and examine its features and stature.

The creature was somewhat tall but not as tall as him maybe as tall as one of the kids back home. Its hair was black just like the night sky and long just like the trees that surrounded them. It covers most of the creatures body but still was able to let the creature's eyes peek that gave it a more eerie and creepy presence. Its skin were somewhat dark in color or was it because of the lack of a proper light or was it dirt that had stuck itself on the creature, is what he thought. He can only see so much in this darkness but ones thing for sure that this creature was once a cheerful and bright lady. Yes! This creature is a lady, a woman. It was suggested by the tattered dress the creature wore and under the small light the moon gave, Rem was sure that it was of high quality material.

The creature moved that made Rem readied himself but instead of attacking it moved back. Rem was about to attack the creature but he became surrounded instantly and was attacked by the undead. He looked at the others they, too, were busy in fending off the newly arrived creatures of the deep under. He then looked for the creature and was just able to take a glimpse of it disappearing in one of the trees near the square.

"That's not good." Rem heard from behind as Oswald moved towards him after he finished the last of the undead that attacked him. "Yeah we have to follow her. She will definitely find another person to take." Oswald was about to take a step but instead he pulled Rem's hand, "Wait, She? How come?" his face looked confused. He tried to remember the creature but there was nothing in his memory that indicated that the creature's a girl. Rem sighed, "I was able to take a good look at her. Her hair maybe long and she might really looked unruly but I'm sure that she's a girl, a young lady at that."

"How is that even possible? I mean it can happen but that is a young lady?" He pointed at the direction to where the creature went. "It's possible but this would only mean that there's more to this than just a random monster that nested here in this town."

Rem nodded, "That's what came to my mind too."

"But our investigations-"

"Were still incomplete." It was Leon that cut him off. "No one really gave a concrete reason or anything that could help us. I also haven't talked to the boys yet of what they had found and Curtis haven't reported back yet." Leon said as he laid out what they have so far and that was nothing.

"So basically, we have nothing."

"Hmm.. but its still early to say since we haven't heard the boys and Curtis' side yet. For now, let's follow Clive. I've sent him after the creature." Leon said before walking to the direction where Clive and the creature went.

The two followed along. For now, they should focus on subduing the creature for the whole town's safety.


"Well that was unexpected and somewhat embarrassing." Curtis said as he emerged from some bushes and dusted himself as leaves and small branches stuck to him. To his embarrassment of himself on himself, he got lost as he tried to go back to town fast. "Who would have thought that Louka's forest is like a labyrinth." He said as he walked and looked around trying to determine what part of the town he was in.

He clearly remembered that his master said to meet up at the tavern but where is this tavern. Was it the only one in town? He thought of and tried to remember anything about it from the people he had met earlier in the day as he continued to walk around. He should just ask someone but to his dismay when he looked around for anyone the whole street he was in was very deserted.

"No one." He muttered to himself. "This must be due to that creature. It must have reached the town already. It should have I mean it did leave before me and I took long to get here." He sighed loudly as he continued to walk but this time with caution as what he said dawned on him.

The creature will surely lurked in town waiting for the right time to take another person to feast on. "But wouldn't a sound of an instrument be heard before it takes someone?" He thought loudly as he walked more before he heard loud sound followed by a scream not the chilling scream but a scream of terror.

Curtis ran to where he thought the sound came from and to his horror there it was the creature feasting on a man while a girl not far from it was on the ground frightened to the point that she cannot move. Curtis looked at the girl then at the creature and thought that he needed to take the girl far away from the creature or it will be the next one on its menu.

He slowly walked towards to where the girl was. He was far from her so he treaded carefully so that the creature won't notice him but to his dismay the creature was alert of it surroundings and noticed him immediately. The creature screamed like its food will be taken away from it and threw the body of the man on the side and went towards him. Curtis froze not knowing what to do. He knew he should move or defend himself but his body won't listen to him he just stood there. He was able to move his hand to get some potions but the creature was faster than him and was about to attack when a fireball came flying towards it setting it on fire and sending far away from him.

He was relieved and look at where the fireball came from, "Sir Clive!" he exclaimed. His savior has come.

"You hurt?" Clive asked, his eyes not moving from the creature.

"I'm not. Thank you." Curtis said as he examined himself before quickly moving towards the now fainted girl while Clive moved towards the creature and send another blow this time the creature fended it off and attacked Clive. The two exchanges blows as Curtis looked for a place to hide.

He saw a door opened and a young man ushered him to come quickly. Without any delay Curtis , ran towards him and went inside the house. There he saw more people scared and hiding from the creature hoping it would go away. The young man led him to a makeshift bed. Curtis placed the girl there gently.

"It was her uncle." The young man said as he watched Curtis. "The man that was taken… it was her uncle. He was a magic user but he was not that strong. He usually uses his magic to help in the town." The young man continued as he looked at the girl sadly.

Curtis didn't know how to respond and just stayed quiet.

He looked at the people inside the house from children to women and young man everyone were scare of the creature outside and yet no one not a single knight is outside fending off the creature protecting the people. Instead, it was like the whole town was left to fend for themselves.

He turned to the young man, "Where are the soldiers?" The young man's face saddened even more at the mention of the knights. "Shouldn't they be protecting you from things like this?"

"They do but these couple of days, less knights were seen patrolling around town even tonight. It was as if they were told not to or-"

"Some of them became food for the monster." One man said. Curtis got curious of what the man had said.

"What do you mean by that?"

"There was this rumor about the creature that came from one of the soldiers. It was overheard by one of older children in town." Everyone perked up hearing the statement as if they al have heard the rumor.

"Yeah, the child said that according to the soldiers they saw weird men with the mayor after the death of his daughter." Most of the people inside nodded their heads in agreement with another man's statement as he interrupted the other from talking.

Curtis frowned from what he heard and inquired more. "What men? By any chance, did the child heard about their appearances or things like that?"

"No, instead he heard that they talked about getting the young miss to live again but for a price." The man continued before leaning his back on the wall.

"Live again?" the man nodded along with the others. "Yes, you see the young miss died due to some illness we don't know since then the mayor has never been the same."

"Who wouldn't if the last of your family died in your arms." A woman from the crowd said and everyone became sad and quiet as they thought of it.

It was clear that the mayor and his family were well loved and respected by the people that's why the town of Louka flourished these past few years but will they also be the reason for Louka's downfall. Curtis sighed, somethings were becoming clear now and yet more questions were arising. He should really meet the masters' so that he can tell them of what he had known so far.