Cerulean City!

Gan received his Pokemon after asking for them, then he went to the restroom to take a leak. Afterward, it was time to leave from here, he had to come back to get that Kangashkan. On the other hand, he started having second guesses about Kangashkan.

Honestly, Snorlax was a way better choice if he wanted a normal-type Pokemon. Dragonite was also a good choice for his team. However, he couldn't catch that Pokemon now because he had nothing that could enter the water and subdue it.

Gan left the Pokemon Center and traveled back to route 10; nothing changed and he continued west of this route. He was now on his way to route 9, there were many groups of Pokemon circling around in the air.

Gan saw Fearow and many Spearow flying about, there were also Pidgey but not too many of them like the ladder. Rattata scuffled about and ran pass often, they were being targeted by Fearow and many Spearow.

A few Rattata were scooped up and taken away by Fearow for feeding, they didn't target Raticate unless there were more Fearow in the group. Gan quickly got away from this area, a few Raticate was showing signs of aggression.

Walking on, he saw a crowd of people; some were coming his way with strange expressions. There were kids and many adults leaving this area.

"You may as well turn around; the Police have locked this area down for investigation." One of the adult men alerted Gan so as to not have him waste his time.

"Investigation? What happened?" Gan was in wonder, it couldn't have been the case with that house being broken into, right?

"There was a murder, they've seen what the man was wearing but he quickly killed two people and made a run for it, afterward." The man sighed deeply.

Gan was a bit surprised, someone was murdered in broad daylight? How gutsy!

"Thanks for telling me ahead of time, I'd like to get to Curelean City so I won't stop here." Gan didn't want to go all the way around, and through Mt. Moon just to get here!

"Okay, but I doubt they'll let you through." The man this last bit of advice before continuing onward. Gan did the same and continued on as well, there was no way he wanted to turn back.

Many Pokemon had picked up on the scent of Blood, so many of them had come out of the forest to have a look. Gan could now see a group of police making use of the signature yellow tape for crime scenes.

"Hey, stop right there; this area is off-limit for three hours until the situation is handled!" An officer with a thick mustache hurriedly called out to Gan—who was approaching.

"Look, I'm a trainer, so I need to take this route!" Gan used his same old trick, which was the use of his Trainer ID.

"A Trainer?" The man squinted, yes, you can be a trainer but if you didn't use it to challenge Gyms; they didn't regard it as important.

"It doesn't matter, you still can't pass." The man waved his hand nonchalantly before turning away.

Gan's eyebrows knitted and he continued to walk over toward the crime scene.

"Kid, what the hell are you doing!? Do you not understand anything, do you want me to arrest you!?" The mustache man turned back around angrily and said.

"Can you obstruct me from challenging a Gym? This will be the second Gym badge I'm gunning for!" Gan sneered, he had read up on the rules, how dare he obstruct him under the League's rules?

"W-what?" The mustache expression changed drastically. He could be a trainer but that didn't mean that all trainers fought Gyms. He could obstruct these trainers, but trainers challenging Gyms weren't to be obstructed in any way.

"Ron, go check his ID! This bastard better have a Gym Badge or I'm going to throw this little bastard in jail!" The mustache officer gritted his teeth and called one of his men over to check.

Gan didn't hear any of his words, but he was sure they weren't anything good.

Gan revealed his ID and handed it to the Officer before he went back over to hand it to his boss. The mustache man looked at it for a while before confirming that it was the real deal. This caused him to sweat nervously, he could easily lose his job for obstructing these types of trainers.

Gan walked over and received his ID back.

"Hmm, I guess I better talk to your superior for obstruction!" Gan glared at the officer.

"Hey, now. I didn't know you were this type of trainer; this matter is serious so I was a little agitated!" The mustache officer quickly tried to drop this subject.

"Relax, I'm joking, I don't have time for all of that. What exactly happened here, though?" Gan was curious and asked.

The mustache officer sighed and relief. "It's a double homicide; the man was wearing all black with white boots and a black newsboy hat." The officer quickly relayed what happened, and even told him the description of the suspect.

A man and a woman were killed; the woman was stabbed to death by the suspect, and the man had his neck slit! Gan looked over and could see the man being covered up at this moment, his hands were holding his neck with an expression of shock in his eyes.

The officer said if he heard anything, he should let them know at the Curelean City Police station. Gan nodded and left, but this situation wasn't his problem; judging from the description, he knew who was involved in these homicides.

Gan sighed when he recalled that man's shock-filled eyes, it really hit him a bit. He could only push these feelings away, he still wasn't used to the sight of death and murder, yet. After ten minutes, he arrived in Cerulean City.

Cerulean City looked great, there were roads and many trees alongside them. The houses here looked modern compared to Pewter City. Kids played on the sidewalk without care, they played with their house Pokemon and friends.

There was a sign the minute he entered the city, it said Route 9 up ahead but he was coming from there. Gan wanted to challenge the Gym Leader but he wanted to do something else—which was currently more important to him.

"I need to find that Daycare, they should be able to tell me what kind of egg I have." The Daycare was the first place he wanted to visit.

Gan asked a man where he could find this Daycare. This old man had lived here for 50 years, so he knew his way around this city.

The old man calmly instructed Gan where to go, so he was able to find the Daycare. Gan knew for certain that the Daycare was south in Cerulean City, so he wasn't all that lost. However, it still took him a while to find the Daycare.

The Daycare was huge, it was no telling how many square feet it was, but it was bigger than it appeared in the games, obviously.

"Hmph, I'll have them breed to give me the most talented Pokemon yet; they can name any price and we can pay it!" A young man wearing an all-white tuxedo spoke to his butler in a haughty tone.

"Of course, young master, we'll get it done." The butler hurriedly said nervously.

Gan didn't bother to look too long, he knew about arrogant people like this, so he just walked into the Daycare silently. The building was made out of strange black and white brick from the outside, it had a large metal fence branching off to the side of it.

The inside was luxurious, they had nice black marble floors with walls filled with paintings of Pokemon. Plants could be seen sprouting from a vase in each corner of the room. There were many people behind different counters taking on everyone's requests.

Aside from the customers here, there were people dressed in all red. They had two Pokeballs on each side of their waist pants. Their shirts had a Pokeball logo on them; they also had a bronze Badge on the other side of their shirts.

Gan couldn't read what their Bronze badges said, but it must mean something. They all had cold expressions—with them being a group of 8.

There weren't many people now, with it being only around 7 customers aside from those trainers that looked like guards. Gan walked over to an empty counter with an old man behind it.

"How may I help you, you young lad?" The old man smiled.

"I have an egg I'd like you guys to check for me, I don't know what it is," Gan said indifferently.

"Hmm, please follow me, we can inspect it back here." The old man nodded and called someone over to take his position while he was gone. Gan followed him to a room, there were other trainers having their eggs inspected here.

The people just watched the process, they basically used a book to figure out what type of Pokemon it was. And if this didn't work, they used a machine to determine what Pokemon was inside.

The old man walked over to an empty table and took a seat in front of a table with a book.

"Please, have a seat; this process shouldn't take long." To have your egg checked was free. Gan took a seat right away before the old man asked him to see the egg. This room had cameras, so no one could pull off anything funny here.

Gan told the man he wanted to go to the restroom to pull out his egg. The old man nodded, he believed Gan didn't want to expose his storage bag or another storage device he had. Gan quickly went into the restroom and came back out with the egg in his hand.

The old man looked at the egg with surprise and started to look through the book in front of him. Gan sat there for five minutes until the old man finally looked up.

"This egg isn't native to the Kanto Region, this is a Johto egg Pokemon." The old man said with surprise.

"Really, what Pokemon is in it, then?" Gan was really eager to know but he acted calmly about it.

"It's a....."

To be continued...