Brutal Civilized People VS A Kind-Hearted Barbarian Woman. In The End, Who Should Be Called Civilized Or Barbarian?

The barbarian girl was staring at him with admiration eyes that made Lord Ejun blushed.

Lord Ejun Zixi was a handsome young man. And even in the whole Ying City, he was deemed as the most good looking man. He didn't expect that a barbarian would admire his good looking face.

Zixi smiled and was about to greet her when the girl put her finger on her lips and pointed a further north direction.

He turned his head to the direction and concentrated his ears. Some people were walking approaching them.

The barbarian girl took his sword and gave it to him. Zixi nodded. He understood that the girl wanted him to be equipped.

Not long after, five soldiers came close to them. The girl with a fast movement used his bamboo spear to stab one of the soldiers.

The other soldiers became alert and started to attack the girl. Zixi came out from hiding place and helped the girl to deal with the soldiers.

The girl was a natural warrior. And after a while, she killed another two soldiers while he also killed two soldiers.

"Girl, you are a good warrior!" he laughed.

The girl examined the soldiers. One of the soldiers wore a new uniform. She happily took off the clothes from the soldier's dead body and wore it. She also examined those soldiers' shoes and chose the best one to wear on her feet. The girl laughed happily. She offered another pair of shoes to Zixi, who was confused and staring at her.

He was a prince who used to live in a luxurious life. He had never imagined that he would wear clothes taken from a dead body.

Zixi had never met someone who could be so excited only because of a uniform taken from a dead body. Suddenly he felt a great stab on his heart. The girl killed the soldiers who disrupted her territory and took his shoes and uniform for her to wear.

She only took what she needed. She only took one clothes and a pair of shoes. She was contented with secondhand clothing and a pair of shoes that were too big for her.

He was thinking of his circumstances. His second brother killed his nephews and his sons. The throne was usurped, and his second brother declared himself as a king. And not only that, his second brother even issued an edict to kill his siblings. What had he done wrong? Was it a sin to be born in a royal family?

Since he was young, Zixi was not interested in politics. Therefore, he didn't bother to support his second brother, who had an intention to impeach the young king. Since his second brother didn't get enough support to impeach the king, his second brother decided to kill the king when he was ill and took the throne.

Zixi pondered. Perhaps it's true that there's only black or white in this world. He had to put aside someone and could not just be a neutral one.

Zixi and the girl were not too far away from the river when they heard some soldiers were shouting and running toward them. The girl took his hand and ran to the river. Zixi followed her and ran with all his strength to the river while the soldiers were chasing them.

The girl pointed out a small boat while saying something. Zixi didn't understand her language. But from her body language, he could grasp what she's trying to say. He nodded and hopped on the boat while the girl pushed the boat and gave the oars to him.

The soldiers arrived at the riverbank, and they started to attack the girl while some of them tried to jump into the river to catch Zixi.

The girl shouted to Zixi while waving her hands. As if he understood what she's saying, Zixi row the boat further in the middle of the river. The soldiers who jumped into the river could not move any further. They could only curse Zixi and return to the river bank.

Meanwhile, the girl managed to kill another two soldiers. She then jumped into the river and dived.

Zixi had heard that Yue people could swim well. He was not worried that she would drown. But after some time, she had not emerged from the water. He became concerned. He stopped his boat and started to shout, "Yue Maiden, are you alright? Yue Maiden, where are you?"

He didn't even know the girl's name. He only knew she's from Yue; therefore, he called her Yue Maiden – a girl from Yue.

No sound or any sign that she was still alive. Zixi started to desperate. Even a stranger who tried to save him was also dead now. Zixi sat on the boat and felt vulnerable.

Suddenly he felt his little boat was shaken. The girl emerged from the water and tried to climb the boat.

"Yue Maiden!" Zixi said happily and pulled her up to the boat. The girl laughed merrily. And took off her outer clothes - the uniform she looted from the Chu soldier dead body.

Zixi was shocked to see how uncivilized she was. Apparently, she hid two fishes inside her clothes and proudly showed the two fishes to Zixi.

Zixi laughed. Indeed she was such a childish uncivilized barbarian girl. She was not embarrassed with her soaked wet thin clothing that revealed her figures. Zixi felt embarrassed by what he saw.

The boat roamed following the stream, and Zixi didn't have to row the boat all the time. He was sitting quietly and observed the girl while she was busy gutting the fishes and humming some songs. She had a beautiful voice.

The girl finished gutting the fishes and took the oars from Zixi and started to row her boat to the river bank.

When they arrived at the riverbank, the girl pulled the boat and started to collect woods. Zixi helped her and handed the woods he collected to her. She looked delighted and started to make a fire to cook the fishes she caught.

Zixi could only observe her. She happily shared her fishes with him.

When he was eating, Zixi could feel that the girl was staring at him. He smiled and asked, "Yue Maiden, what are you looking at?"

The girl who didn't understand his words said something in Yue language. Zixi didn't understand her at all. He was starving and devoured the fish. Although it's not fancy food, he was contented.

For the first time in his life that Zixi ate without proper cutleries. He began to ponder, and what's the point of those expensive cutleries and utensils. In the end, it's the food that matters, not the packaging outside. His thought amused him.

After they finished the fish, the girl put off the fire and started to walk into the forest. She waved at Zixi to follow her. Zixi could only follow her. He didn't know where else to go. Even if the barbarian girl suddenly killed him, it would be much better for him than to die under the Chu soldiers.

As soon as they crossed the river and moved further south, the environment drastically changed. Zixi felt that he's arriving in a new world that he had never experienced before.

The forest was getting denser, and so many wild animals roaming around even in broad daylight. Even boars, deer, and rabbits roamed freely without worrying if hunters hunted for them.

Zixi was worried what if wild boars or a tiger suddenly attacked them. Yet he forgot that there were also snakes in the forest.

After a while, the hard soil turned into mud. And the sunlight was not as bright as before as giant tall trees towering the forest. Zixi's boots footprint etched on the mud, and had to slow down his pace as it's getting difficult for him to move freely on the mud.

And suddenly he felt something itch on his left leg. He ignored it and moved forward. But after a while, he felt numb on his leg. He felt numb until he could not move his leg.

Zixi forced himself to walk, and he could only manage to move two steps, and he fell on the ground as he felt such great pain.

"Argh!" Zixi shouted, tried to hold his pain.

The barbarian girl heard him and ran toward him. Her face changed as she saw Zixi's pale face.

Zixi held his left leg in pain and said, "My leg…I can't move it anymore!"

The girl said nothing, and she pushed Zixi to sit on the ground. Zixi was shocked and, in a sudden, forgot his pain and shouted, asked, "Hey, what are you doing?"

The girl said something in Yue language, and she took off Zixi's boots and rolled up his socks and trousers to check his leg. Zixi felt weak and had no more energy to deal with her.

As soon as she rolled up his trousers, both of them saw a snake bite mark, surrounded by a purplish bruise around it.

A venomous snake just bit Zixi's leg.

The girl's face changed. She knew how poisonous was the snake, which bit him.

Zixi had never had such kind of experience. He only saw snakes in cages in the palace. He knew that some snakes were poisonous and could be deadly.

Zixi felt that all his limbs weakened, and he had no energy up to the point that it's almost hard for him to stay awake.

The girl saw Zixi's eyes grew dimmer. She knew that she had to do something to stop the poison spreading.

The girl then tore off her clothes and used it to tie Zixi's leg. She was wearing a loose knee-length dress. Now that she tore off her dress only made her dress shorter. Zixi felt it's too inappropriate, yet, he's too weak to say anything.

The girl then bit Zixi's leg to suck the poison out from his leg.

"You…you don't have to do this!" Zixi weakly said. "I'm doomed to die anyway!"

The girl didn't understand his word. She continued and sucked the poison out and spat it out from her mouth, the poison and blood. Only after she sucked some fresh blood, then she stopped.

The girl laughed and looked relieved while wiped her sweat on her forehead. She took some wild grass around her and chewed it.

The girl said something in Yue language and helped Zixi to put on his boots and allowed him to walk.

Zixi still felt too weak to walk. Therefore he walked slowly.

The girl became impatient. And without saying anything, she carried Zixi on her back.

"Hey, hey...let me go!" Zixi said. "I'm a man! What are you doing?"

He protested with no avail. She didn't understand his words while he's too weak, and she's too determined to help him.

Knowing that she didn't intend to harm him, Zixi didn't protest anymore and clutched her neck instead of struggling to get free.

Zixi smelled something from her hair. The barbarian Yue was indeed very backwards that they didn't know anything about hygiene.

Zixi secretly sighed. Was not his family was the royal Chu family? Was not the Chu people were civilized and refine people? Yet, their behaviour was no better than a barbarian. A barbarian like this girl was willing to help a stranger like him. On the contrary, his own brother wanted to take his life.

Around two hours later, they arrived at a hill, and the Yue girl pointed out a stilt house made of woods and bamboo. It was her house.

She used her bamboo spear to pull down a rope ladder and took him to enter her house.

It was a small humble house with only some straw as a mattress and wooden kitchen utensils if that could be called as utensils.

As soon as she arrived at her house, the girl took off her shoes – and the uniform she got from the dead body and started to lie down. She said something in her language and started to sleep.

Zixi smiled at her childish way and sat on the floor of the house. The girl had carried him for almost two hours. She must have been tired.

After a while, he also started to lie down on the floor.

Zixi was worried about his wife and children. But what could he do? He was tired, but he could not sleep.

He could see from the window the beautiful scenery of the sunset. The beautiful scenery comforted his heavy heart. As he was enjoying the view, the girl woke up and got off from her stilt house.

Zixi wanted to follow her, but he could not find her trace. She was too fast and too agile. He'd better stay at the house. At least wild animals could not reach him if he stayed in the house.

It was dark, and he didn't even know how to make a fire.

Not long after, the girl returned with two rabbits in her hands. She made a fire on the stilt house's foot and saying something while showing off the rabbit to Zixi, who was waiting at the house.

Zixi knew that the girl must be telling him to get down to eat. He was right. The girl skillfully grilled the rabbit and handed one to Zixi, who could only watch her.

Zixi took the grilled rabbit and said, "Thank you!"

The girl smiled innocently and ate her meal. Zixi ate his grilled rabbit. The taste was so bland as there's no herbs or spices, not even salt on it. But he was hungry, and he could not complain.

Zixi was a prince who fell from grace and lived on the run with only a barbarian girl who accompanied him. Zixi knew that he could not survive in this jungle without this girl who helped him. Although he stayed in a simple house, at least he's safe, and he didn't have to worry about his safety. He realized that what he needed in his life was only some food, clothes, and a peaceful life.

"I am Lord Ejun Zixi," said Zixi while pointing at himself. "What is your name?" he said while pointing at the girl.

The girl stared at him with her wide eyes and said something. Zixi didn't understand her. He said again while pointing at her, "You are Yue Maiden! Start from today; I will call you Yue Maiden."

"Yue Maiden?" the girl repeated the word while pointing at herself.

"Yue Maiden!" Zixi said and laughed. "Smart girl! Yue Maiden is brilliant!"

"Yue Maiden is brilliant," the girl imitated Zixi.

Zixi laughed. He thought the girl was amusing.