Death Is Her Destiny (part 2)

People said that when someone died, one would be able to see things in one's childhood and the best memories one's have.

The same thing happened to Ying. For the first time, she began to remember her childhood life. She was raised by wolves. Those fierce wolves, but they were so tender to her. Ying could she herself as an infant, so dirty with long disheveled hair played along with other wolves. Until one day, a man – who later became his father – found her and took her to his house. He saw how the man and his wife had difficulties in dealing with this wild toddler who couldn't even walk with two feet and could only crawl with her hands and feet. Not only they had to cut her hair, nails, and bathed her. They also taught her how to walk and made her become a human again. Then she saw her mother, who tried to strangle her to death several times when she's just a toddler.

Then she saw Fan Li, that Minister Fan of Yue Kingdom. He was such a dashing elegant, smart man. Ying saw herself sitting listening to Fan Li, who taught her and the other girls to read, write, play music and do poetry.

Minister Fan was the man she liked. Then she saw how Fan Li was busy protecting Shi Yiguang that he forgot about Ying's safety. Fan Li and his men decided to wait for another troops aide to help her.

It's too late now. She's dead anyway! Would Fan Li be sad if he saw her dead like that? Would he cry and sorry for her?

"He won't be sad," Ying thought. She began to cry, and the warm tears flowed from her eyes. "Wait, how could I feel the warm tears on my cheek?" Ying perplexed and opened up her eyes.

"Argh...!" She screamed as when she opened up her eyes; she saw a woman was staring at her. "Who…..who are you? Where am I?"

The woman in her forties looked beautiful and elegant. With her soft voice, she answered, "Girl, you're such a brave girl!"

"Who are you? Where am I?" asked Ying. She looked around and realized that she's still at the same place where she was killed and died. "What is this place?" she asked.

"This is earth!" said the woman laughed. She then took off a handkerchief and wet it with water from her gourd bottle. She used the damp handkerchief to wipe Ying's face.

Seeing how the woman was so tender, Ying didn't resist. She thought the woman must be an angel.

"This must be heaven!" Ying thought. But why was there some bandits dead body around her? Did they go to heaven also?

"Ah!" the woman aghast as she wiped clean the bloodstain and dust from Ying's face. "You are such a beautiful girl!" said the woman with astonishment and joy. She stared at her with amazement eyes. "I haven't seen such a beauty like you in more than a thousand years!"

Ying was still confused. Then she heard a horse galloped toward them. Ying was panic. She was afraid the bandit came again.

A man in his fifties riding a horse came toward them. He grew nicely shaped mustache and beard. He looked gallant, and at the same time, he seemed so patient and wise.

"My husband! Look what I've found!" said the woman to the man and pointed at Ying. "Don't you think that she's a rare beauty?"

The man looked at Ying and said, "Indeed, she's a rare beauty. I haven't seen a young woman, especially of our kind is as beautiful as her!"

"A beauty that only kings could afford!" The woman laughed, "I wonder how many kings would fall for her beauty!"

"What happened to her? How did she die?" the man asked.

"How did she die? So I'm dead!" Ying pondered.

"She was captured by some bandits. She resisted and was killed!" said the woman. She then laughed and said, "She made a good decision. Otherwise, if she dies in old age, wouldn't that be a waste?"

The woman and man laughed happily.

Ying didn't understand their conversation. Once again, she asked, "Who are you? And where am I now?"

The woman said, "I have answered you, you're on earth! Look around you! You're not dead!" said the woman.

Ying getting more confused. She asked, "Just now the man asked, 'how did she die?', then clearly I am dead. But why now you said I'm not dead?"

The woman smiled and took her hand and softly said, "You're dead…but you are resurrected and come back to life!"

Ying was still digesting the word when suddenly the woman gripped her hand tightly and, with another hand, pulled a blade from her waist and slit Ying's wrist.

Ying screamed. She never thought the gentle and tender woman would do things like that. With her hand gripped so tight, Ying couldn't get away from the woman. Her wrist bled a lot of blood.

"Look carefully at your wrist!" said the woman, still in a soft tender voice.

Ying looked at her wrist. She felt pain on her wrist and saw blood flowing from her wrist. But then the blood gradually stopped dripping. And the pain was gradually diminished. She looked at her wound on her wrist, and she couldn't believe what she saw. The wound gradually closed and healed. There's a stain of blood on her wrist, but her wrist was no longer an open wound like before.

"So the bear trap was real. That shaman who tried to cut my foot was also real!" Ying said in her mind. "That shaman said I'm not a human!"

When she's still confused, the woman said, "Check your stomach. Do you see any wound on your stomach?"

"Yes, my stomach," Ying said in her mind. She touched her stomach and looked at it. She saw it with her own eyes how her intestine was spilled out. But now there are only bloodstains! There's not even a trace that her stomach was previously stabbed by a sword and had a big hole on it.

"How, how could…," Ying startled. "So it's true, I'm not a human!"

"You are not human! You, my husband and I," said the woman. "We are not humans!"

"We are the immortals who live on this earth!" said the man. "From the beginning of time, when the Supreme Deity created the earth, then the Supreme Deity also created us. He sent us to this world to help the mortal humans!"

"I don't understand!" said Ying.

The man then sat near the woman. He introduced himself and said, "My name is Yao. This is my wife, Ling. I forget what's the exact number, but I should be more than two thousand years old. While my wife …she's…"

"I am 1022 years old!" said the woman giggled.

Ying looked at the couple in front of her. She smiled and said, "This is the funniest dream I've ever had! But it's a beautiful dream. I like you both!"