Two Immortals, Two Masters

Two days later, they met at the appointed place. General Yan and Minister Shi acted as representatives from Wu, while Fan Li represented Goujian.

"Why did he have to choose this inauspicious place?" Bo Pi grumbled.

"Hmm! I guess General Yan deliberately choose this place because of him!" Minister Shi used his chin to point out a pole where Wu Zixu's head was hung high. In front of it, General Yan was standing and paying respect solemnly to Wu Zixu's head.

At the appointed time, Fan Li, guarded with two thousand soldiers, arrived in front of the city gate.

General Yan whispered to Ji Nan and said, "Look at them! Luckily we don't trust them!"

"General, your prediction is accurate!" Ji Nan said.

"Just do everything as planned!" General Yan said. Ji Nan complied, and he started to open up the gate to release the Yue soldiers.

"Minister Fan, please untie the rope at our crown prince's hand!" General Yan said.

Fan Li laughed and said, "Oh, yes, I forgot!" Fan Li gave an order to release the rope that tied the prince's hands.

As soon as Crown Prince You walked toward the city gate, General Yan walked to welcome him. "Crown Prince, are you alright?" General Yan asked.

"I'm alright! I'm sorry that I disobeyed your order. I forced the commander to open up the gate!" Crown Prince You said. General Yan only smiled lightly.

Simultaneously, Ji Nan and his soldiers let the Yue soldiers walk out from the gate.

Once the last Yue captives get off the gate, the gate was closed.

General Yan held the prince's hand, almost dragged him to go inside while whispering, "Crown Prince, get inside the gate quickly!"

Crown Prince You didn't get it. He wanted to ask why. But before he asked his question, a sound of fighting broke

Seeing the gate was about to be closed, some Yue soldiers charged forward to open the gate wide. Meanwhile, some of the soldiers untied the ropes binding the captives.

The Yue's soldiers had an intention to trick the Wu army. Simultaneously, when they were doing the exchange, they sent out their soldiers to attack the southern and western gate.

General Yan pushed Crown Prince You to enter the gate.

Fan Li didn't expect that General Yan also prepared a trick for them.

When the captives were untied, the Yue soldiers still gave them weapons and gave them an order to attack Wu. Who would have thought that half of the captives were the Wu soldiers who disguised as Yue soldiers? These fake Yue soldiers attacked and killed many of those unprepared Yue soldiers.

Both sides fought intensely.

"Despicable!" Fan Li shouted angrily. "General Yan, you trick us!"

"I'm only reciprocating you, Minister Fan!" General Yan laughed. "I know that you would send your troops to attack our gates. Therefore I have prepared some surprise for you here!" General Yan managed to secure the prince

The Yue troops who charged forward managed to open the gate. Meanwhile, many Yue soldiers were coming to assist Fan Li's troops.

General Yan and his men fought bravely although they're outnumbered.

Yue Maiden, who accompanied Fan Li decided to get Crown Prince You back. She galloped her horse and broke into the city gates. With her spear, she killed many soldiers who tried to block her way.

Yue Maiden saw Crown Prince You being escorted by several soldiers who were trying to escape from the battle arena. She had to capture Crown Prince You alive.

Crown Prince You tried to run away while his guards were fighting Yue Maiden. Yet Yue Maiden was too powerful for those guards. She could easily defeat them.

"Where are you going, little prince?" Yue Maiden laughed. She captured Crown Prince You. The prince helplessly tried to fight back, but he's too weak.

General Yan, who was busy fighting the fierce Yue soldiers, saw Crown Prince You was captured and was laid on the horseback with a Yue woman. He immediately ran to stop the woman.

General Yan ran head-on toward the galloping horse. Yue Maiden, who was riding on the horse, had never seen such a bold man before. Either he's crazy or reckless.

She immediately pulled the bridle of the horse to avoid a collision between the horse and the man. The horse reared up on its hind legs until it almost stood vertically up.

General Yan took this opportunity and slashed his sword to the horse's front legs. The poor horse lost its balance and fell to the ground!

Yue Maiden, who was holding Crown Prince You and riding the horse, had to make a quick decision. Otherwise, the horse would fell on top of them.

Yue Maiden, still holding Crown Prince You flipped on the side to avoid the big horse that fell on the ground in a quick move.

She pushed Crown Prince You on the ground. General Yan was about to rescue him, but Yue Maiden had already used her sword to stab General Yan on his chest.

General Yan used his sword to dodge the attack. Yue Maiden had never expected the old man with the thick beard, was so much powerful. He must be the strongest warrior she had ever fought with.

Then suddenly, both General Yan and Yue Maiden felt something strange. Their heartbeats were faster than usual. General Yan, who had already aware of his existence as an immortal, knew that it was a sign of another immortal. The woman who was fighting him was an immortal.

General Yan slowed down his attack.

But Yue Maiden didn't know her existence. She also had never experienced something like that before. She was confused and didn't know what's happening to her.

General Yan asked, "Madame, who are you, and who is your teacher?"

That was the most ridiculous question Yue Maiden ever heard in her life. She didn't understand why her opponent in a battle asked such a question in a time like that.

Yue Maiden knew that only this man could stop her from kidnapping Crown Prince You. Therefore she attacked General Yan fiercely to get rid of this powerful warrior.

Although Fan Li's aide troops arrived on time, the Wu soldiers were ready to deal with them. They might not be good in attack, but they were good in defense.

After some time, the victims from Yue were more significant than the loss from Wu. Fan Li decided that they have to retreat.

Fan Li ordered the trumpet to be blown to give a signal for their soldiers to retreat.

Yue Maiden, who was still fighting General Yan, heard the trumpet sound, and she knew that she had to leave immediately. Otherwise, if the gate were closed, she would not be able to get off.

Yue Maiden saw that General Yan didn't wholeheartedly fight her. She had a good feeling on him. But he was General Yan, a general who made Yue soldiers faced many difficulties.

Yue Maiden used the chance, and she stabbed General Yan on his stomach. Her sword penetrated his back.

"You!" General Yan hissed angrily. "I conceded at you! But you…" He didn't continue. He held Yue Maiden sword and pushed it out from his stomach. Blood flowed from his hand, but Yue Maiden didn't pity him and didn't want to release her sword. She pushed her sword forward, and the sword penetrated General Yan's abdomen deeper.

General Yan fell on the ground with blood flowed like a stream. Only after he fell on the ground that Yue Maiden pulled out her sword.

Some soldiers saw that a woman stabbed their commander, and they started to attack her.

Yue Maiden prefer to run away rather than to deal with the soldiers. Then she saw an easy target. She saw Crown Prince You, who was still there guarded by some soldiers. She took her spear and shot it at Crown Prince You.

Yue Maiden's sword penetrated crown Prince You's heart. The young crown prince died right away.

The damage was significant for both Wu and Yue. But Wu still managed to defend itself tightly.

Goujian realized that he was not yet strong enough to eradicate Wu once for all. Even after he killed the crown prince of Wu, he still could not get a victory. If Fuchai returned from his northern expedition, then he surely would retaliate, and Yue might lose.

Goujian decided to agree with the peace treaty and withdrew his troops from Wu only with four cities, as proposed by Crown Prince You and General Yan.