To Free Oneself (part 2)

"Evil woman," get out of this village! Or do you want to see her die?" The man said to Ying.

Ying snorted angrily, "You only have the audacity to take a weak woman hostage! Face me if you dare!" She gripped her sword tightly. The veins in her eyes looked red as she almost exploded with anger.

San-niang was shocked, but she wasn't afraid. Instead, she shouted, "Female Knight Errant, you must uphold justice! For my family, for the women and children who have lost their family members because of these bandits! Don't mind me!

Finished saying her words, San-niang pushed the sword stuck to her neck to kill herself.

"My wife," shouted San-niang's husband in tears.

San-niang died instantly. Her eyes weren't even closed.

And while the bandits and the villagers were still shocked and disbelieved that San-niang just killed herself, a swift shadow moved quickly like lightning.

The shadow moved and swing her sword and killed the bandits standing in the middle of the field.

The bandits were unarmed, and they could only reflexively defend themselves. Using their hands to protect themselves, parry and avoid being slashed by the sword.

But the sword in the swordsman's hand knows no mercy. Those who use their hands to protect themselves instantly lost their hands.

Those who couldn't dodge were slashed by swords on their bodies, and not a few heads were separated from their bodies.

The villagers who were watching on the side couldn't help but choke. They were too shocked to even scream.

No one would have imagined that the young woman's sword was merciless.

Ying was determined not to let any of the bandits alive.

Pieces of hands and heads, scattered on the ground. Cries of pain and fear from the surviving bandits and those who witnessed the horrible scenes.

And those horrifying sounds seemed to remind the villagers. Many of them started to cry when they saw their family members being killed by the female swordsman.

It wasn't just the villagers and the bandits who were crying. Even the sky seemed to cry.

The sky was bright, but suddenly it rained quite heavily with flashing lightning.

The rain caused the spilled blood to flow like a flood. The ground turned blood red.

But Ying's sword didn't stop until the last bandit died.

Blood, as well as rainwater, splashed onto her unblemished face as she slashed her sword to finish off the last bandit.

Ying turned her face to the sky and enjoyed the sunshine in the midst of the rain. She didn't know if the water running down her face was tears or rain.

Thirteen years ago her destiny was sealed

Only to be fulfilled on that day that she could settle the blood debt

Here at the foot of the mountain

The immortal beauty; pure as jade and captivating as flower

Unleashed her Sword of Benevolent and Justice

She brought justice to those who were oppressed

For orphans and enslaved women

Her heart was filled with a burning passion for benevolent

And her sword demands justice to those who committed evil

Sixty-three bandits lives ended

She was not delighted in seeing deaths

But her soul was at peace when she saw the evildoers were eliminated

As if the limp young man knew what was in her heart, he brought her mother toward Ying. And he made a kowtow and said, "Female Knight Errant, thank you for upholding justice and punishing those evil people. Although I know that there's no cure for my mother, but at least…I know that there's still justice in this world."

Ying nodded and didn't say a word.

"You should leave this place!" the limp young man said in a low voice. "I know that deep inside your heart, you feel pity for them too!"

Ying wiped the raindrop and tears from her eyes and she ran away and left the place. She ran away so fast like a flying ghost. For the rest of her life, she had never returned to that place again.