Two Kinds of Immortals

The next day, Ying visited her childhood friend, Min. Min was the only person who connected her with her past life before she became an immortal, and she's the only friend that Ying had when she was a child.

Ying was already outside the house, but she was reluctant to enter the yard, as she was afraid of Min's reaction. Min who saw her, dragged her inside, "Ying, you are my sister! I support you …in everything you do!!"

Ying felt relieved and smiled, "Min, you are always my good sister! I am glad that you don't hate me."

"Aye, Li Cong was a bandit in the past. He deserves his punishment!" Min sighed and continued, "His wife cried for days. She didn't cry because of his death. She was just shocked and didn't expect that he was such an evil man."

"I forced Li Cong to tell me where was the location of the bandit's headquarter. Later, I killed sixty-three men. All of them were bandits in the past," Ying said in a low voice.

"Sixty-three?" Min choked as she could not believe what she just heard.

Ying nodded, "And many of them had wives and children. For them, I'm the evil who ruin their families! They're all cursing me…I wonder if..someday I would face the same fate as those people!"

Min didn't reply, as she didn't know how to reply.

"I killed them all, and their blood was like a river on the ground…." Ying took a deep breath, "Do you remember that day when we were kids, and there were a pack of wolves entered our village? When the villagers killed those wolves, and there's so much blood on the ground… " Ying started to cry.

Min hugged Ying and caressed her hair, "That day I was only eight old when on the way home from the river, some older girls mocked me and bullied me. They took away the brushwood I collected and scattered them. They also pulled my hair and pushed me to the ground. Then out of the blue, you just came out from the bushes and pushed away those girls, bite, scratched, kicked…" Min laughed. "At that time you're probably only five or six years old. You didn't even say anything, and you just helped me! Since that day onward, we become friends!"

"And I killed your daughter's father-in-law! I'm not a good friend!"

Min shook her head and with a soft voice continued, "At that time, you even still could not talk properly. And that day when you kicked, bite, and scratch, people in the village became more convinced that you were a wolf girl. Therefore nobody wanted to be your friend. But, I thought that you're an interesting little girl. So I often asked you to play with me. And although you're so little and skinny, you always protected me. You only could talk properly only after around six months or a year later. And when I asked you, why did you help me at that day, you answered, that you're not happy when you saw people bullied the weaker. That's you, Ying! That's your nature. And now that you're an adult, you have the ability and the power to bring justice to those who are oppressed! I believe that it is your destiny!"

Ying wiped her tears and said, "Min, you are the best friend that I've ever have in my life!"

"Ying, Yue State is too small for you. You assisted King Goujian, you have talents! You should go to the other bigger state. Be a swordsman who brings justice! That's your life aspiration!"

"You are the only one who could understand me! You are a sister to me!" Ying took a small package from her pocket and give it to Min, said: "Min, this jewelry, you should distribute them to your children!"

"I have enough! Although we're not rich, we have enough. You're a woman and you have no family. You need this jewelry more than me or my family!"

"Distribute this jewelry to your children, and tell them to only pass this jewelry to their children. This jewelries is a covenant between me and you and your descendants. If they ever face troubles, and I know it, then I will surely help them. And if they make a grave mistake, I will spare their lives once! Therefore, they have to use it wisely."

Min shook her head, "Xinyu has the earring you gave her when she's a toddler. And that's enough. She felt odd. By the time, Ying would also be very old, or even die, wouldn't she?

"It's not only for Xinyu. But to all of your four children!"

Min saw something strange in Ying's eyes, but she could not tell what it was. She could not refuse Ying's request and accepted the gifts.

The two women had a long chat. Ying shed her tears when she said goodbye. She knew that they might not meet again forever.

The next day, Ying left the Yue State without saying goodbye to King Goujian or to other people.

She left the house where she was staying just before dawn to avoid any attention from the guards or the servants. She walked in the western direction, just because the sunrise from the east, and she didn't want to get sunburn from the sun.

After walking for hours, Ying started to get tired. She decided to take a rest and had her lunch.

As she was opening up her ransom and about to eat, she felt uneasy. She felt her heart beating so fast. Immortal! There's another immortal around her. She looked around and finally, she spotted a young plump woman was walking toward her.

Ying looked at the woman, trying to guess if she's the immortal that she felt the presence. She didn't have to wait long, since the woman smiled at her and said, "I didn't expect that I would see someone from my kind, who is as beautiful as you! You're truly beautiful!"

Hearing her word, Ying was assured that the woman was also an immortal. She smiled happily and said, "Senior, you're flattering me. May I know what's your name? Where are you from, and where are you going?"

The woman laughed and said, "My name is Ya. But after I get married, I use my husband's name. My husband's name is also my name in these past years."

"Oh…then what's the name of your husband?"

"Hei Ya," the woman laughed. "Because my skin is so dark, therefore I am called Hei Ya, and because I was Hei Ya's wife!"

Ying was aghast. Could it be Hei Ya the bandit leader that she killed? "Which Hei Ya?" she asked.

"Hei Ya from the Yellow Village. He was beheaded by a young woman. A young immortal woman!" The woman smiled at Ying and suddenly, her tone changed and with a stern voice she said, "You know exactly the name of that young immortal woman!"

Ying sighed as she knew that the woman might want to take revenge on her. "That Hei Ya of Yellow Village. He's a leader of a bandit troupe. I'm sorry to hear that your late husband was a bandit!"

"A bandit or a noble, he's still my husband!" the woman said. "And who gives you the right to kill my husband?"

"And who gives the right to Hei Ya and his men to kill and plunder?" Ying asked back, also in a stern tone. "I hate seeing injustice. Now that Hei Ya is dead, then the enmity between him and I has settled. I have no business with you!"

"I want your head!" the woman said angrily. Her face changed, and she's no longer the plump-looking woman who had a big smile that Ying previously saw. "And I want your heart! I want to see the color of your heart. I want to know what kind of woman killed sixty-three men without blinking her eyes!"