The Mysterious Blaze Of Fire (part 2)

The next day, Marquis Qi brought Xuanye to the palace to meet the king.

It was Xuanye's first experience. He was excited as he saw the palace. He had never seen any building that was more beautiful, or larger than the palace buildings.

After passing some rituals, Marquis Qi and Xuanye were allowed to enter the hall where the king was conducting a meeting with his officials.

As part of the ritual, they had to take off their shoes before entering the hall and walk slowly step by step until they reached a certain spot where they had to kneel down and prostrate with their forehead touch the ground to pay respect to the king.

"Arise," said King You.

"Thank you, Your Majesty," Marquis Qi and Xuanye said.

"I heard that last month, when Marquis Gongsun took a chariot, suddenly the horse out of control. And it was your son who helped and tamed the horse to save Marquis Gongsun!" King You spoke in a low voice. "So, is that young man, is the one who is now standing right by your side? What is his name?"

Marquis Qi answered, "Your Majesty, yes, he is! His name is Xuanye."

"Hmm, young man, raise your head and move forward five steps, let me see your face clearly," said King You.

Xuanye was a bit nervous, but his father gave him a signal with his hand to let him move forward.

As instructed, Xuanye raised his head. And now everyone in the room could see his face clearly, and they were all surprised when they saw his face.

Behold, the son of the mysterious blaze of fire!

He is tall and lean, with broad shoulders revealing his strength

Black raven long hair blowing in the wind

His beautiful long neck is even appealing than the most beautiful swan's neck

Bright eyes like a mysterious deep clear lake, enticing people to explore it

Tender like the eyes of a young doe

His eyes enchanting his beholders

His sweet lips are as colorful as flower petals.

They looked as if he concealed a mysterious smile

He is fair, even fairer than the fairest maiden

And he was loved by everyone

King You's wives; Queen Shen and Concubine Baosi who was sitting on the left and right side of the king were astonished as they saw Xuanye. They had never seen such a beautiful man like Xuanye before.

Concubine Baosi who was just a fifteen years old girl was so enchanted by Xuanye that she didn't realize that she made a sound.

Baosi entered the palace when she's not even thirteen years old. Being a concubine of an old king was not easy for her. Deep inside her heart, she resented and disgust King You - her husband. And now when he saw this handsome young man in front of the throne, for the first time in her life she felt something odd in her mind and body. Her heart beat so fast, as she saw his fair countenance. He's beautiful, but at the same time, his broad shoulder and thick eyebrows showed such a beautiful and elegant masculinity that was hard to describe. And for the first time in her life, she felt a strong reaction in her body. A kind of feeling of yearning. How she wished that she could throw her body on his embrace.

Queen Shen was a mature woman, and although Baosi didn't make a loud noise, she could tell from Baosi's face that the young concubine was enamored by the handsome young man. She knitted her eyebrow and after a while, her eyes shone as she knew what she should do next.

Queen Shen deliberately giggled and said, "Marquis Qi, your son is such a fair young man that even Concubine Baosi was astonished by his beauty!"

King You raised his eyebrows and turned his head to check Baosi. Indeed, just now he also heard Baosi made a voice, and she's blushing.

Concubine Baosi knew that she made a mistake, she panicky said, "Your Highness, please don't get me wrong. Indeed, this young man is so fair. I think…he's even fairer than any females in this palace. That's why I was shocked. Your Majesty, Your Highness, please forgive your silly servant," Baosi hurriedly made a kowtow.

King You laughed and said, "Concubine Baosi, you're forgiven! Truly this young man is very good-looking. If he's a woman, he is more beautiful than any of you!"

Xuanye said nothing. He's used to that kind of compliment since he's just a baby.

"Xuanye, since you know how to handle horses, now I will give you a title in the military to handle our horses and chariots!" King You said.

Xuanye and Marquis Qi were surprised. With that position, Xuanye had to move outside the capital city to be with the Ying clan people who were in charge of taking care of the Zhou's royalties horses. There, he had to live side by side with the potential of clash with the barbarian Quanrong people.

"Your Majesty, my son is young, and he doesn't have any experience outside. I hope that Your Majesty could give him a position for him to work inside the palace, " Marquis Qi said in a worried tone.

"He is young…and he's tough! He could do it," King You laughed.

Xuanye thought that it was a good position. Although he had to move a bit far, and he had to separate from his parents for some time, but he's a man. He wanted to have his adventure, and build his military career from the lowest rank.

He immediately kneeled and said, "Your Majesty, I accept this position. But I hope that you could give me leniency. I want to visit my parents every two months!"

King You frowned a bit. He didn't expect that this young man would bargain.

"Your Majesty, my parents are old, and I'm the only son," Xuanye said. "I hope Your Majesty would grant my wish!"

"Your Majesty, Xuanye is a filial piety son!" Marquis Gongsun said. "That day when Xuanye saved me, I didn't know who he was. I offered him some money and he refused them all. When I asked his name, he didn't even want to tell me as he didn't want me to feel that I owed him a favor. Only after some search that I got to know his name. And actually, in Haojing City, many people know Xuanye because of his kindness to other people, instead of knowing him as the son of Marquis Qi. Therefore, Your Majesty, please, grant his wish. Besides, he's not refusing this position. He only wants to visit his parents once every two months!"

"Hmm! Alright," King You said. "Then it's decided this way!"


Madame Qi, as well as Xuanye's three sisters, cried and could not be comforted as they were worried about him.

"Mother, I will be fine," said Xuanye trying to convince his mother. He kneeled in front of his mother, and holding her hands with soft voice said, "I have to move to Quanqiu, but then the king has allowed me to go home and visit you every two months, there's nothing to worry about!"

"Xuanye, at home you always have me, other mothers and maids, who look after you. If you go there, then who would wash your clothes? Who will comb your hair?" Madame Qi sobbed.

"I'm an adult man now!" Xuanye said. "I will wash my own clothes, and learn how to comb and do my hair. I still have a few days at home, and I could learn from you, right?"

Concubine Li and Concubine Mi, also shed their tears. "Xuanye, you are the only son of this family. If there's anything happens to you…then…"

"I know that living in Quanqiu means sometimes we have to face a clash with the Quanrong people. But I've learned archery and swordsmanship from my father and the other soldiers. I will survive!" Xuanye said with a firm voice.

"Look at you…ever since a child, you've never faced any hardship. You don't even have any scratch on your skin because you've never got any wounded! Now that you have to go the foreign place, and live with those backward people, side by side with barbarians," Madame Qi wiped her tears. "I feel like a knife stabbed on my heart every time I imagine it!"

"Xuanye is an adult now," Marquis Qi carefully said. "Although my heart is grieving, but I have to let Xuanye go. He's ready to start his career in the military! Duke Zhuang of Qin is my acquaintance. I will write a letter to him, and he will take care of our son. You don't have to worry too much, alright?" he said and patted his wife's shoulder.

"If there's anything happen to my son…even only a scratch on his skin, then I will not spare you!" Madame Qi put a stern look on her face.

Xuanye and the others laughed hearing the old couples' conversation.

But then they heard someone was crying. It was Xuanye's youngest sister, Lingyu.

Lingyu with red teary eyes rushed and hugged Xuanye crying, "Xuanye Gege*, promise that you will stay safe, and come home often to visit us!" Hearing her cry, her other three sisters also started crying.

*gege means : older male brother.

Xuanye caressed Lingyu's head and said, "Silly sister! I will be fine. And of course, I will visit home often. Later when I get there, I will trade with the Quanrong people, and get you a big dog that only lives in their territory. You will like it! "

"Really? Gege, you're always the best!" Lingyu said and hugged her brother tighter. The other three sisters also started to hug Xuanye, "Gege, and what will you give us as a gift later when you visit home?" One by one clinging and hugging their beloved older brother.

"Stop clinging on me, you're all big girls now! Please behave," Xuanye laughed and tried to run to escape from his sisters who were clinging and hugging him as if they're were all still children.

Marquis Qi and his wives could only laugh watching their children's behavior.

Xuanye was very handsome, and merely an adopted child. Therefore, it was inevitable that Marquis Qi would sometimes feel anxious if his daughters, or concubines got too close to Xuanye.

But the more he looked at Xuanye's character, the more he knew he had nothing to worry about. Xuanye had a strong character, and he was a very strict person with principles and ethics.

Even though his two stepmothers loved him like their own children, but because the two women were his father's concubines, after Xuanye was eleven years old, he always kept his distance from them and would not allow them to even touch his hair, or allowed them to have a private conversation with him. And because of that, the two stepmothers and Marquis Qi loved Xuanye more and more.

Likewise with his stepsisters. But his half-sisters, on the other hand, really liked their brother who was very kind and handsome. Instead of seeing Xuanye as their older brother, they often treated him as their younger brother. They never hesitated to hug, even kiss Xuanye's cheeks as if he's just a five-year-old boy.

Xuanye left his house fifteen days later.

The women were all crying, and even Marquis Qi looked very sad as he had to let his son go to the remote area.

"An eagle could only be called an eagle if he flies high above and weathers the storm. I will be fine, and I will do my best in my position. I will make merit and bring honor to our family," Xuanye said to his father.

Marquis Qi patted Xuanye's shoulder, "Son, take care!"

Xuanye looked at his father with his deep eyes and nodded, "I won't let you down!"

Madame Qi sobbed, "Son, promise me to go home often to visit!"

Xuanye nodded, and to his father, he said, "Father, please put more attention to my moms and sisters!"

Madame Qi sobbed louder. "Aiyo, our son will be fine. You're crying as if someone is dying," Marquis Qi sighed and shook his head.

Xuanye took her mother's hand and laughed, said, "See you in two months! I promise I will get a nice fur for your winter robe, mom!"

"Hmm," Madame Qi nodded with teary eyes.

Xuanye hopped on a simple one-horse cart prepared for him. He brought with him many things that might be useful for his life. Including some gifts from his father to the ruler of the Ying Clan people.

He was sad leaving his family, but at the same time, excited for his new adventure.

It was a tough dangerous journey as the road was bumpy, and many wolves all along the road. Xuanye was lucky that the cart driver had many experiences with the route. Therefore although dangerous, but they never had experiment anything serious.

On the seventh day, the driver told Xuanye that the next day they would arrive at the destination.

"Eight days journey, not bad at all!" Xuanye said. "Thank you, uncle!"

"Aye, young man! You're such a sophisticated young man. I wonder what kind of grief mistake that you made that the king sent you here!" the chariot driver asked.

"I didn't make any mistake," Xuanye said. "I saved Marquis Gongsun when his horse was out of control. Then the king saw my potential, therefore he sends me to Quanqiu to be with the people of Qin to raise and take care of horses!"

"The Qin people, apart from the Ying clan, they're all backward people. You should be careful with them. Especially, with their females."

"Huh? Why? What's wrong with their females?"

"You are such a handsome young man. I bet many women there will be willing to do anything just to have you!"

"What?" Xuanye confused.

"Just refuse if any woman asks you to go to the woods, or to their house!"

"Uncle, what do you mean? Are you saying…they want to take me to the wood, to kidnap me and make me their slave?"

"Silly boy!" Uncle Liu the chariot driver said. "You know…they may want to…" he blushed as he felt a bit awkward. But seeing Xuanye's confused expression, he realized that this young man probably really didn't know what he's trying to say.

Uncle Liu had to explain, that the people in Quanqiu were very backward and many of them didn't know any ethics or manners. It was very common for young people, or even married people to sleep around with the other people they liked. Xuanye was a handsome man, many women would do anything just to get him.

Xuanye who grew up in an aristocratic family with strict Zhou rites, was pretty much shocked. Now he knew why nobody from Haojing wanted to live in Quanqiu; and why his parents were very sad when the kind sent him there.

"Uncle, thank you for sharing this with me," Xuanye said. "I will be very careful! And also, if I treat others well, I'm sure they won't hurt me too!"

Uncle Liu laughed, "Who knows people's heart and intention? But Marquis Qi writes a letter to Ying Qi, the ruler of the Qin people. I'm sure if he treats you with respect, then the other people will also respect and dare not to make any mess with you!"

"I hope so, I hope so," Xuanye sighed. This was his first experience living outside his house and his comfort zone. He had never thought that the outside world was not as beautiful as he previously had imagined.