
Harver Drama

I was so upset about all of the baby stuff. Why would someone do something like that? Then Dieter asked the question.

'Did you just ask me to move in with you?' I looked at him. He was looking away at the car park. He sort of nodded and shrugged shyly which was adorable. I knew we were rushing into things a bit but I think we both want it. I took his hand in mine. His head whipped around to look at me.

'If you'll have me.' I smiled up at him. Before I could say anything else he wrapped his arms around me and squeezed me tight. I breathed in, his cologne filled my nose and he made me feel happy.

'Let's go home to your apartment.' He whispered in my ear. I laughed and got up with some of the bags and he followed. We got in the taxi and went to the apartment. When we did, we plonked all the bags on the floor and started with the moving. Dieter lived with his dad so he rang him and I talked to reception and had to sign a bunch of papers. Freya was obviously coming with us. The move took a couple of days to organise, there was just one last thing to do. I knocked on Harper's door. She opened it quickly.

'Ari!' She hugged me tight.

'Harps, I have some news.' I said as she welcomed me in.

'You're moving with Dieter ain't ya?' She shut the door behind me and turned to look at me. I just stared, open mouthed.

'How d-did Dieter-what?' I managed to get out. She giggled.

'C'mon Ari, you are obsessed with him, almost as as much as he is with you. It was obvious it would happen soon and he was basically living there for the last couple of days and theres loads if boxes. Unless you're actually telling me your pregnant.' She told we while chewing her bubblegum. I blushed a little.

'No babe I'm not pregnant.' I sighed a little. 'I gonna miss you.' I said as I held my arms out to her. She hugged me again. 'You mad?' I asked.

'What? No! I'm happy for you but gonna miss you so much, at least one if us is getting things going in life.' She shakes her head and looks at the floor.

'What about you and River? You guys have gotten...close? River talked about it to me.' I sat next to her.

'Of course he did. You can't get me in bed and not talk about it.' She giggled. 'I don't know Ari. I really like him but I think he thinks I just like his body.' She goes quiet and smiles while biting her lip thinking about him. 'I don't know how to show it though.' She sighs and blows a bubble in her gum.

'Take him on a date. Take him to a place which you know he will appreciate.' I told her.

'I'll do that.' She smiles at me.

'You do that.' I smile back. 'I gotta go, Harps.' I say as I get up.

'I know, I'll see you soon.' She hugs me again and I go back to the apartment. Dieter's sitting on the desk chair and he looks up at me as I walk in.

'How did it go? He asked.

'She knew before I told her.' I said as I walk up to him.

'So well?' His hands wrap around my hips as mine wrap around his neck.

'I think.' I smile at him.

'Harver drama?' He chucked. I giggle and put my head on his. 'I love you.' He said quietly. His voice was low and husky. It sent a couple of shivers to my spine and a blush to my cheeks.

'I love you too.' I replied. He pulled me in so I collapse on his lap. I giggle and kiss him gently.

'Promise?' He closed his eyes in the crook of my neck.

'Cross my heart.' I do the same and close my eyes. I soon fall asleep on him. After a while, Dieter wakes me up with kisses on my face.

'Hello.' He smiles. I smile back at him and sit up. I groan at the sudden light. 'You ready to go, my love?'