Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy

It's time, we're sitting in the waiting rooms everyone is bursting with excitement and I am trying to calm myself since it's on live TV.


I am an introvert in the end if you hadn't realized yet, so being on live TV is a messed up thing for me especially knowing that my parents are watching.

I don't do social stuff very well but I didn't get a vision of myself doing something embarrassing, I think it's going to be fine.

"... and Midoriya you're my rival as..."

I mean what's the worst that could happen, losing my clothing ? eating shit on stage ?

That last one actually makes me scared...

"Todoroki-san I think Fujimaru is unavailable at the moment" I heard Ochako mentioning me.

I looked up to see the whole class looking at me.

"Huh? What happened I wasn't listening"

"Todoroki was challenging you during the festival" Ochako kindly reminded me.

Right there was something like that in the original.


"That's all you're saying"

"If you're expecting me to act like a hormonal teenager and get all worked up, you're going to be disappointed, I don't give damn about this event but don't worry I won't hold back"

This is the first time I told my opinions about this festival so everyone is shocked, well Bakugou is exploding but that's normal for him.

Thankfully before they could berate me we were called on stage, Bakugou pledged to win which is impossible while *Cough* I AM HERE!

[That was a bad joke and you should feel bad about it]

'Thanks for the support Cortana'


First event is Obstacle course and I started running in my battle mode{This isn't based on speed, MC has speed mode as well} which is nearly as fast as Iida also I covered under my feet with some dense space to create little footholds, it looks similar to how shinigami's stand on air.

I didn't really do anything to stop others, I was already in first place when I got to the second obstacle, I lowered my gravity even more and jumped over the whole thing.

Now this is the place I wanted to be, minefield is a good place to train my pre cognition, so I channel Kaleidoscope to my eyes causing it to glow different colors as I am observing the possible outcomes and close my eyes before I starting to run.

As I am running, me and Cortana are going through different numbers of possible futures and changing my steps accordingly, this of course slowed me down considerably and gave me a headache but I didn't trip a single mine by the time I finished.

Even though I slowed down, I have finished first none the less.


"Congrats Fujimaru but I wanted to ask why did you slow down at the last course you could have jumped over it" Thanks for asking Midoriya it seems I have to bullshit my way out of this since Midoriya wasn't a bit quiet when he asked.

"I was training something I have been working on" Yeah that's good.

"Really! What are you working on?"

I clasped my hands and opened them like I was making a imaginary rainbow but there was indeed a rainbow between my hands.{Search "SpongeBob Imagination" for reference}

"A magician never reveals his tricks"

I ignored the deadpan stares I was getting and went to Midnight sensei, I wonder if I can turn my vision into see through clothing, let's try and ohh my indeed I can, she might be over 30 but Midnight is still hot.

[Recording footage for future use]

Why did you took my perverted personality Cortana...


No one asked me in their teams and I had to join in Midoriya's team, since he was second.

"What are we going to do?" Midoriya frantically asks.

"They didn't say we can't use our quirks on bandanas right?"

"Yeah, we can use them on bandanas what are you planning?"

I smiled, it was the most evil smile I made that even scared Midoriya and I laughed like a mad man that I am.

"Hahahahah! This is going to be glorious"

I became the one that's on top of our little team and used Kaleidoscope to phase the bandanas out of space, they're still there and visible but they can't be touched.

"Hahahaha Come and get me you miserable bastards!" I yell at my enemies.

"Deku-kun has Fujimaru-kun go insane?" Ochako asks.

"I don't know but he seemed to have some kind of plan" Midoriya you're too trusting of people.

"Don't worry comrades, I phased the bandanas out of space there's no one other than me who's able to touch them, it's going to be awesome to watch them try."


"I didn't know you could do that I guess we're fine for this event"

"Your darkness is immense Fujimaru-san" Thank you Tokoyami, that means a lot.

We ran away from people for the whole 30 minutes and when Todoroki tried to get the bandana he realized that he couldn't take it.

"Bastard made the bandana untouchable!"

I just laughed like a mad man!

"Second event has been won by Team Fujimaru through unconventional means like who would think of making the bandana untouchable and are we sure he's okay he's been acting like a mad man" Thanks President Mic.

"That's just his default personality don't worry" *Gasp* I have been exposed.

"Bastard won with cheap tricks!" Cool it there Bakugou, do you know how hard it is to separate something from space.

"Now we have an hour break time to let our students rest before the last event!"

I disappeared during the break, really I just bended space around me to go invisible and walked past the rest even teased Toru by patting her shoulder.

It was pretty funny watching her jump.


The matches well, they're going similarly but it seems I stole Hatsume's original spot so I have to fight against Iida.

"Let's have a good match Fujimaru-san"

"Yeah let's have a good match"

Iida sped up but I have a field of 3 meters of increased gravity that I am used to, so when Iida got in the field he stumbled due to the change in gravity and threw himself out of bounds.

That was awkward to watch...

"Fujimaru Ritsuka Wins!" Midnight announces.

"Fujimaru won but how, we just saw Iida fall" President Mic yells, god his voice is grating on my ears.

"He probably messed around with the gravity around him and it caught Iida off guard, it's really hard to hit someone like Fujimaru" Thanks for giving people ideas Aizawa sensei, now they're going to attack on range dammit.

"What happened?" Midnight couldn't help but ask.

"I have a field around me that doubles the gravity all the time, since I am used to it, it doesn't affect my balance but it seems it hit Iida really hard"

"Wait, you walk around like that!"

"I train under five times the normal gravity what do you expect"

"Damn that's a lot of muscle" Please Midnight sensei calm down your breathing.

As I was walking back to my seat I got a vision, a real one not something I made up to sell it off to Principal so I can farm relationship points.

In this one I saw Stain crippling Ingenium like I was there myself, I might be relatively strong and nonchalant about injuries but I never killed anyone let alone saw someone getting hurt excessively so this hit me really hard.

I was shaking until Iida tapped on my shoulder.

"Fujimaru are you okay?"

"I saw something horrible I need to find the Principal!"


I ran out to the VIP section I was barred but Principal heard my voice and came out I just whispered what I saw.

"Stain kills Ingenium"

He called some people and sat me down until I calmed down, that really hit me hard, I can't take this, how am I going to handle Holy Grail War.

I need something like self hypnosis.

'Cortana can you do that?'



I wasn't in any good mood for the crowd in my second match.

Ibaraki might have good long range abilities that could have stopped me for a while if I held back on my destructive abilities but I really just wanted to go back to home and drown myself in ice cream.

So, I used spatial attacks that ripped apart space and kept destroying her vines until I got in range.

I must've looked scary because she looked really scared and surrendered.

[Master look behind, I contained the damage but you need to fix it.]

When I turned around I saw many cracks and tears running in space that's leading to void itself on the arena it certainly looks horrifying and I did this...

Sighing I started fixing the space, mending it back and reinforcing it, it actually helped me calm down.


"Dude what was that, when you said your quirk can easily kill I didn't take it to heart but that looked really dangerous" Not helping Kirishima.

"I wasn't in a good mood sorry if I seemed scary"

"No it looked awesome but I can see people getting scared"

"It showed that you don't just have defensive abilities but yeah it was scary I don't know how I can counter that" That's the idea you don't.

"Thanks Midoriya"

"What did you actually see, it must've been after my fight right" Iida asks.

"You'll hear it soon enough Iida just keep it a secret" Cause I saw your phone ring just now.

"Ehh what do you mean don't be stingy"

"People have right to keep secrets Mina-san"

"What do you mean San everybody calls me Mina or Ashido!"

As Mina was drilling my head Iida's phone rang and he nodded at me after his talk.

"No way! how did you know maybe you can....*Muffled Izuku noises*"

"Some powers aren't meant to be public Midoriya I am sure you and your skeleton mentor agrees"

Yeah I am loving that look of horror on your face.


My next fight was with Todoroki who still refusing to use his fire but it won't save him even if he used it since I have prepared something special for him since he can just freeze the whole field or trap me in a glacier.

"You can't hide here Fujimaru what are you planning on doing you're not fast enough to get close"

"Oh don't worry you won't even see it coming"



[Too excessive Master]


Yes, I can take down Bakugou without this ability as well but Todoroki can encase me in ice before I reached him and it would be a bitch to get out if it so I have gone plus ultra and stopped time around the arena.

Time is only stopped in the arena so crowd can see what's going on.

I slowly moved towards Todoroki, whole arena silenced down due to shock and I just took Todoroki and threw him off the arena of course he stopped in mid air after I let him go but it's fine and I let the time run again.

"Fujimaru wins by stopping time what an ability, truly formidable and he collapsed I guess it took too much out of him"


I didn't really lost my consciousness, I just can't move it's a annoying side effect I have yet to fix.

"Fujimaru are you able to fight the next match?"

"Yeah just let me get my bearings first"

By the time I was in fighting shape there wasn't enough time to go greet the class so I just gone to the arena to find Bakugou looking like a hentai protagonist (His bangs covered his eyes)

"Are you going to use that?"

"Sorry I can't pull it off twice a day"

"Why use it on that half and half bastard then?"

"He could have encased me in ice before I could get close, I am not really worried about getting hit but he had the means to incapacitate me"

"I see, then don't hold back give your best"

"Sure" Okay he's fine when he's being serious and I think I hit everyone's pride by throwing Todoroki like a bag of potatoes so I will give Bakugou a good trashing.


Being honest to Bakugou I opened my Pre Cognition and get my battle mode on and started fighting.

Since my spatial attacks would cripple him I didn't use them but he already knew that but me countering his every move was unexpected for him

I guess he was expecting me to block them with space or just slowing him down with time but I just saw every possible move he could make and Cortana came up with a counter plan on the spot.

In the end Bakugou passed out with a satisfied smile that made me disgusted, this guy really shouldn't making such a face after a battle.

I won the Sports Festival and painted a target on my back like I planned.



"Tomura, get that kid for me his quirk is being wasted on him it would be much better on your side"

"Are we going to recruit him sensei?"

"You may try but I don't think he would agree, also it's going to be hard to capture him, if you want to recruit someone from UA try his opponent he looked unstable enough to get on our side"

"Thank you for your wisdom sensei"

"Haha don't mention it of course I will help my student where I can"


I kinda zoned out everything after my match and told teachers that I am not okay and my head hurts from all the info processing, my body hurts since I couldn't coat myself with dense enough space.

I was really surprised that Bakugou didn't get effected by the altered gravity around me but in the end I came out on top.

This is the first time I went this long while fighting.

I was going to go home right after getting my medal, All Might was saying something but I couldn't hear it and collapsed from exhaustion after getting down the stage, it seems Aizawa sensei brought me to infirmary.

'Cortana add increased endurance training to the list'


I am not used to use Kaleidoscope on the long run, I am dead tired.