Camps and Visions

The day I have been waiting ever since I made this plan has finally arrived, it's a long time considering I made this plan when I was 6, now we are on the bus going to the camp site.

I even looked at the future with Kaleidoscope to check if they're going to attack or if they're going to kidnap me.

Everything is set up perfectly, they're apparently going to threaten me with some hostages that are out ot my known range then drug me with some kind of pill because they thought I need to be focusing if I want to use my 'Quirk'

Gotta say that's some good plan unfortunately Aura would keep my mind safe if not Cortana can take over she's not affected from any mental attacks I take unless they're magical in nature.

So their plan is going to end up delivering AFO to my "Merciful" hands where I can turn him into a real potato.

'It's going to be legen-'

[Wait for it!]

'-dary, legendary!'


I slept through the bus, there wasn't anything interested me happening other that Toru getting a new hair cut which I was the only one noticed...

Invisible girl problems, thank god I didn't say anything about it, because I am used to mentioning things like that but how did she even gets a proper haircut? like her hair is invisible too, do they paint hee hair before cutting it?

After we arrived at the cliff I looked at Aizawa sensei with knowing eyes, more I looked at him more he grinned.

He really enjoys messing with students like this since he knows we'll be fine after this.

After the introduction to the Wild Wild Pussycats we were unceremoniously thrown off the cliff, which I just floated downwards and waited while the class get their bearings.

I really want to just draw Durandal and cut the entire forest but I can't do that here.

Once the class got up and realized what's up courtesy of Mineta getting blasted, we started to fight which I used my Aura for the first time.

"What's up with Fujimaru he looks even stronger"

I always used Reinforcement while sparing during my stay at Type-moon but I never had the opportunity to fight with Aura it's actually feels even better than Reinforcement since I don't have to fear over reinforcing and exploding my limbs off.

"Scratch that why is he glowing like a rainbow, or is it just me seeing things"

The most problems that comes with aura is the lack of it and it's regeneration rate which is a problem for me, it should get better as I get more control of it.

I wonder what's my semblance, it didn't pop up yet.

"We'll just ask him at the camp later just keep moving"

I can't draw Aura from Kaleidoscope... Yet but my natural regeneration should cover the amount I used in this fight by the time Vanguard team attacks.

[I love how he ignored everyone that's talking about him]

I was the only one that wasn't a mess when we got to the camp. My aura even protected my clothing, I hastily made my way to the blonde milf with clear fetish and shamelessly hoarded her praises.

Meeting with Gilgamesh wasn't the best thing happened to me I guess.

I moved to the lodgings before anyone could say anything and went to eat my dinner, not that I am hungry but it's better to eat it since this is the only food we are given at the camp.

After dinner we went to the baths, which reminds me.

I walked to the wall and reinforced the shit out of it while altering it to be slippery or unsticking, in summary Mineta's balls are no longer works on this wall, well the upper part of it...

Unfortunately during the bath I kinda had to explain Aura of course I just said what it does and tied it to my "Quirk".

I might be able to unlock people's Aura here but... why bother.

[Sloth is a sin master]


"Seriously when they're going to throw his ass out of school!?" I yell.

"Maybe he has someone inside?" Todoroki said something plausible.

"Do you think he's bribing Nezu?" Nahh.

Seriously how did this guy not get thrown out?


In the morning we were introduced to the concept of strengthening quirks which is just using them to the point you want to die.

I was given the task to lock big spaces and mess with time in large area, of course my improvements from my trip is already letting me to up my moves but thanks to clever use of self hypnosis no one suspected that I am hiding my power level.

They don't need to know I can teleport anywhere in the forest, so I made myself believe I am exhausted too bad this place is too far away for me to teleport home or even UA for that matter.

Me teleporting home was mostly due to it being my "home"

Human brain is really curious thing since I am believing I am exhausted, it doesn't let me use anything else even forcing me to sleep.

Self hypnosis is gold for faking stuff.

To train with Cortana we kinda merged our thought process together, now this was something I did before but it's really exhausting and I became cold calculating bitch while using it, so I have been putting it for later but while we're here I might as well work on my real quirk.

After the training we were supposed to cook for ourselves which I just took out 3 boxes of pizza and devoured that without others realized.

It takes supreme stealth skills to do that in middle of 40 people.

This didn't include teachers and Pussycats so I ate the whole thing in front of them, I even offered some but they were too busy giving me blank looks.

At least I managed to give one slice to Kouta, I guess he didn't really see me as "Heroic" and had no problem interacting.

Even Bakugou has this type of aura...

Maybe it's just me sensing extra stuff I don't know.


I had a vision of Momo dying...

That wasn't supposed to happen, well I just looked at the future if I got kidnapped but I didn't check the rest of the students safety.

Low wisdom strikes again.

Although I was in Type-moon I only saw servants dying which is rather tame and clean compared to watching Momo getting cut into uncountable pieces.

Sure Sakura puking all those worms was disgusting but it doesn't compare to death.

After all people die when they're killed...

I got out the cabin forgoing my silent steps to reach outside quickly since the bathrooms are in separate building.

I didn't realized that I woke up Aizawa sensei, his eyes looked extra menacing but seeing me trembling and pale he softened.

"Vision?" I nodded,

"How bad?"

"At least one student dies, how do they know we're here? didn't you guys find the spy?"

"Yes and he doesn't know where are we they must had more spies or something to locate us but for now I need you to tell me everything."

The whole night spend on telling what I know like Tokoyami losing control, me and Bakugou being kidnapped the hostage situation for taking me down, what kind of villains coming here and Momo dying a brutal death.

In the end Aizawa looked 10 years older and more haggard than I ever saw him and told me to go back to bed, I guess he's going to warn the adults.

I proposed running but Aizawa sensei told me that even if we go on the road now, we probably would get ambushed on the road since they must be keeping an eye on the forest.


The morning was terrible, for me at least since I was given the job of selecting trusted students and informing them.

Now I regret looking into the traitor myself since I don't have time to look into everyone, I just gone over the guaranteed students.

Todoroki took it well, like

"You can see the future?"


"Cool when's my old man dying?" This guy is savage.

Midoriya... Let's just say I had to hypnotise him to stay calm.

Bakugou wasn't even fazed just said it took me looking at future to defeat him...

Momo was told of the situation of course I didn't tell her about her death just told her she gets severely injured, the problem here is that Momo gets killed because she tried to save me I can just stay away from her during the attack and she made trackers we can swallow.

Since we don't know who'd run into Tokoyami at the time so she made enough gas masks and flash grenades for everyone. We weren't nearly ready when night came down and attack started.

Me and Aizawa sensei have already talked about this, I am not getting out of this.

Not that I would ran if given choice since I was waiting for it but to him I am "valiantly" sacrificing myself...

Let's not mention any of my plans to him, what Aizawa trying to do stop Bakugou being kidnapped since I am a lost cause and hostage were just to make sure I don't freeze time or whatever.

So I was given freedom once the whole thing started, being the insane magician I am I located Dabi's original body under my invisibility and literally peed on him.

I have no idea why I did this but it was brilliant and he won't ever forget about it.

I also took out the gas boy, just because everyone has access to masks doesn't mean he's not a priority target.

After that was done I started fighting copy Nomus twice made until Dabi found me, while holding a student from 1-B by her neck.

"Fujimaru Ritsuka put your hands in the air" I followed and he threw me a plastic bag with one pill inside.

"Take that and I will let her go" I never used drugs before but whatever let's just take it.

The effect was instant, everything seems more focused?

[Analysis of unknown drug: Used to make it's user turn insane for a limited time]

[Master you don't really have much left of your sanity so this drug is mostly letting you focus on the insane part you were trying to not get in touch]

Damn, I feel like a bird that's got out of it's cage.

"Let her.... why is she here anyway?" I ask I didn't look at her before but why is Kendo here.

"Fast acting as they said follow me" Saying this Dabi threw Kendo to the side and put handcuffs on me.

"Whatever you say Todoroki..." He flinched ohh yeah the satisfaction, there wasn't any confirmation by the chapter I read but there is just too many evidence.

"What did you..."

"What's up with this smell?"

"It's nothing! now move!"