Birth of the Otaku Goddes

{Thanks to my laziness I am going to make Ereshkigal's OG looks same as her servant looks}

"I AM HERE!" I step forward, my back is straight, my head high standing before the gates of hell valiantly.

"So?" Guardian asks causing me to instinctually pull back a little also causing him to chuckle.

"I am here to make a trade with Ereshkigal I have a offer she can't refuse." The gate guardian seems genuinely surprised and asks.

"What do you want anyway there's noting valuable in the Underworld" He's smiling like he's humoring a child which is not that wrong.

"Stone of deathless sleep" Once I say this, smile wiped off his face, is it that bad?

"Do you know what that is? It would put you in a sleep but you won't age nor die, and you will stay like that unless you managed to find a way to wake up."

"I really need it" By the way what kind of stone is that sounds like it's straight out of Snow White.

"Fine but I will tell yoy beforehand, if my lady won't accept your offer you won't be leaving here, do you still want to enter?" I nodded and waited for the gate to be open.

I have been living like this for months yes, and I have come to learn how to get used to pain but this is no living.

It's almost like having a toothache you can't get rid of the absolute worst.

Seeing my expression guardian shakes his head before opening the gate, the rest of the gates open by themselves as I move.

This place is cold and not in a "lit a fire to get warm" type a cold, like "it's going to freeze your soul" kind of cold and once more my aura springs forth under my skin and envelopes me bringing the much appreciated heat back.

Finally I passed all the gates and the corridors to face a throne, where Ereshkigal sits upon.

"Such an interesting human, where did you learn you use your soul like that?" She looks cold yet beautiful, looking at me with curiosity.

For some reason she looks like her FGO counterpart maybe author got lazy.

"I travel a lot, some god did it. Thankfully it actually helps" I say, there's no lies in my words, I don't know if gods here have in built lie detection like Danmachi but better safe than sorry.

"My gate keeper told me what you need, tell me why do you want such thing"

I told the same story I told to Gilgamesh and by the end of it she actually got down from her throne and came to my side looking at me with worry.

"I see, you may have three, if I find your gift to be acceptable"

I took out the TV system I made while I was living here, this thing works with mana only and tied to my network cable, so it has everything multiversal TV entertainment apart from the filtered ones.

I explained what it is to Ereshkigal and thought her how to use it, also made some replacements just in case Ishtar gets any ideas.

The making of the extras took me a week, Ereshkigal is surprisingly a good host, maybe it's just because both of us are introverts but I got along with her nicely.

I would have accepted her invitation to bed and yes we got along that well but I know better, she won't be able to leave here and I won't be able to stay here.

Do you know how much willpower that took!? She might look like Rin but that's where similarities end.

Her skin is creamy her hair shines, her eyes are like jewels, the way she carries herself scream nobility.

It won't work even if I force it to happen, even when age of gods ends she has to stay here sue to some universal balance thing otherwise afterlife won't work properly.

I was actually allowed to leave once everything was finished and I got my stones locked in a metal box.

"Well, I am sad to send you back but you need to get your curse fixed, I am honestly curious how that damned king will heal something even I, master of curses can't."

I gave her a hug and left the underworld with strange feelings in my heart and my father's words about marrying her.

Maybe I should pop into Danmachi for a while to see how Gods descent.


The gate guardians were surprised that I was allowed to leave but didn't say anything to me, since I know the way now my return journey took about 5 days.

Once I arrived to Uruk I went to the palace directly, there's no meaning waiting even longer anymore.

Getting to the throne room I once again kneeled to the King and took out the box from my inventory and presented the metal box which Siduri took it from my hands.

"Ohh didn't think you'd manage to get it but this is one of the times I am glad to be wrong, Siduri bring the box"

Siduri gave the box to Gilgamesh who took out something from another box at his side, it looks similar to the stones I brought but their color is white and he took out something rectangular from his pocket.

Is that a credit card? It even has account numbers and a small Enkidu print on it...

He used the card to slice the black stones I brought and mixed them with the white stones he had until it revealed a grey dust like substance and cut them in three lines like cocaine...

"What are you waiting mongrel take your share." Oh god he even brought out paper money to roll and sniff money has small Enkidu print as well.

Did I traverse the underworld and risk my life to get ingredients for Babylonian equivalent of Cocaine?

You know what I don't give a shit. I inhaled that shit as if it's nothing and collapsed on the ground.

My head feeling better as the drug hit me like a truck. Last thing I saw before my eyes closed was Gilgamesh and Siduri doing the same.


I woke up naked, Siduri in my arms hugging me like a koala and has a silly smile on her face, on the other side of the room there are 12 girls sleeping on a king sized bed which I can only guess it's owner.

Since King himself is not here he must've already woke up.

I am going to assume Gilgamesh took all 12 of them while I was with Siduri since she's naked and I am actually still inside her...

I know I had slept with a very beautiful woman but the harem seeking trash in me is angry.

He hasn't been popping up lately I was wondering what happened to my harem dreams.

"Psst Siduri"

"Yesh" She's slurring, cute.

"It's morning." That jolted her awake and made her get up letting me get a look at her completely.

'Cortana plase tell me you were recording last night'

[Got your back Master!]

"Uhh Sorry Ritsuka I need to go before King starts building another architectural wonder"

Huh? wouldn't that be better?

"It's fine" I say as I collect my clothing from the ground I don't know what happened last night but my Chaldea Uniform was black last night not grey.

Since my uniform is clearly dirty I wore Anniversary Blonde outfit, I make my own clothes now that I have Caster card and Medea Lily has B Rank Item Construction, so I have the whole Chaldea set but they're not mystic codes.

I roamed the palace after I got dressed the guards are looking at me with respect.

What did I do last night?

[*Shows an image of me and Gilgamesh laughing while we are throwing knifes at an apple that's sitting on a girls head*]

That would do it, it's messed up but that would do it.

After my tour Siduri found me and informed me that Gilgamesh has indeed left for one of the construction sites and she has to follow him.

I said goodbye to her and left the palace to find my temporary home, here I turned my door nob and left for 2005 Fuyuki I am time traveling since surprisingly I am in the same Dimension as the one I first got to Type-moon.

I popped up in Rin's house this time for some reason and surprisingly Archer is here, we came across he was just wearing his pants and his hair is wet...

Rin followed after him wearing Archer's black shirt that's too big for her and indeed her hair is wrapped with a towel.

"Congratulations?" I say while readying my teleportation.

"Don't you dare spread it around Fujimaru!" Rin threatens.

"So I am telling everyone even Zelretch."

"FUJIMARU NO!" Rin yells.

"FUJIMARU YES!" I disappear to the void, this is going to bite me someday like tomorrow but totally worth it.