Start of The Divine Four

After the graduation ceremony was over we joined the party and I found out that my "Harem Protoganist" skill works wonders on normal girls, since I am dealing with goddesses and alien species it takes time for it to work.

That was the repot my new eyes gave me and yes, I have tied it to Cortana no one has that kind of time to process all that data.


After the party we went back to Emiya Residence, where people met Kaguya, while girls where talking to her I pulled Shirou and Archer to the side to learn about their techniques.

These two are harem protogonists without a shred of doubt they must have better options than I have when it comes to lasting long enough.

Sure enough Shirou revealed that he's working on a specific reinforcement magic that would help with this situation.

Seeing Archer cringe we quickly extracted the information out of him, with this I should be fine as long as I have magical energy.

After everyone went to sleep something I didn't expect happened, Alaya just left my body.

She at least left the mark so I can see my stats Type-moon version at least.

~You're too dangerous to me with your eyes, I am also aware that you won't hurt humanity. If you want access to the throne come to me once you're ready I have a quest for you~

Like that, the loose leash on my neck was lifted... I somehow felt bad.


Fujimaru Ritsuka (Total Power)





LUK: ? (This is due to Kaleidoscope)

NP: Class Cards, Durandal.


Well like I said addition of Chakra made some ridiculous changes I wonder if I can beat Archer now especially now that my eyes let me understand what I am doing wrong with my swordsmanship...

Nah, he still has experience over my ass, I wouldn't even know how I got defeated now that he doesn't have to hold back as much as before.

In the morning my musing was proven by Archer who was still cringing due to our interrogation.

I honestly thought I was going do die.

"Well, like you said you have the necessary strength and your technique is actually near perfect but you lack the experience of real battle" Archer says as he let's Rin wipe his non existent sweat.

"Well, not like I am going to seek out battles, at worst I should be able to maintain class card install for a good time, that would help out really well" Seriously I am not planning on fighting anyone really these are just precaution.

"It's your life and don't speak like you don't have world ending powers" Rin says with some annoyance.

"Meh, it's not fun if I don't put in the effort, you can't throw black holes at everything" I reply with a grin I know that's pissing her off.

"True" Archer sagely nods, did he fight something like that?


"Now that you have a goddess and a alien in your harem what next?" Sakura "innocently" asks, I am not going to lie she scares me more than Rin does.

"It feels like it's Ereshkigal's harem more than mine though..."

"Don't be silly dear it's yours and we're getting a real angel next" Ereshkigal replies causing most people to choke on their food.

"We're going to that world of perversion!?" I ask in alarm that world is too "dangerous" and not because of power levels.

"But of course, you need that sacred gear research for to finish your little project" Well, that's true but well what the hell who cares about DxD let's go, I can just use my eyes on heaven and alter their system.

"Wait how did a "real life angel" and "land of perversion" got together" Rin asks in shock.

Oh right the worlds I am going filtered... But I gave them unrestricted access apart from Fate Stay night...

[Maybe they just didn't watch DxD Master]

Oh, right.

We spend the breakfast telling the premise of the world we're going to for both Kaguya and the rest.

"A perverted highschool student that has a messed up dream with a weapon that has virtually no upper limit..." Sakura repeats what she just heard.

"I am beginning to feel we're the lucky ones by being born here, humans in there are no more than cattle from what you say" Rin snaps.

"Fujimaru can I come with you?" Shirou asks out of nowhere.

"Nope you're not becoming a multiversal hero, think about Sakura" After saying this dude started tremble is that PTSD he looks like he's having flashbacks.

Archer nodded on the side at my decision, Shirou would probably get killed and reincarnated as a devil there, I am not having that kinda responsibility.

As a graduation gift I took the household minor Taiga to MHA, my family greeted them warmly meanwhile dad was winking at the seeing that Kaguya is hiding behind me.

We spend a week here and send them back to their world. Unsurprisingly Shirou and Archer hated the Heroes of this world since it didn't really aligned with their view but they had fun time, it was especially fun to watch Rin mess up electronics.

She can't handle 2004 technology yet alone this world's.

After they went home we also made our way into DxD, we ended up in Dimensional Gap.

Thankfully Great Red is nowhere to be seen, I don't know Ereshkigal's authority over dragons would work on the Dragon Gods it probably would but then again Ophis might get attached to Ereshkigal so it's better we avoided them for now.


I located Kuoh Town before teleporting, with Ereshkigal and Kaguya, Kaguya had to wear a illusion over her since paper white skin is not normal around here.

She was fine in MHA since you can have hentai tentacles and say it's my quirk and people would be fine.

I was looking for Azazel since I know he lives in Kuoh towards the beginning of the story, there will be too many researching done.

I am guessing that I might be here for at least class upgrade tests where Ophis gets ambushed by Samael.

Let's hope Ereshkigal won't adopt Ophis as her daughter.


"So are we building another TV Company here and give it to Azazel in return for his help?" Ereshkigal asks, it seems Kaguya won't speak unless we're in a private place, she's too traditional.

I don't even know which tradition!

"No we're going to do that with Heaven, I am going to let Azazel join the building process of my Mystic Code it already has technology and magic from multiple worlds and time periods"

"Huh why give heaven such a treasure?" Kaguya chimes in unable to comprehend why such a great thing should be given freely.

"Ereshkigal wants Gabriel and she happens to work for heaven, sigh I am not going to lie I kinda look forward to it as well" I admit that I am looking forward to best pair breasts in this world.

"That's it dear release your inner desires" Is she talking me into the dark side?

"Hmm it's normal for someone of your power to have more wives." Kaguya gives her opinion.

"But won't they just reject the money, like I doubt they can release it into human world like you did in MHA." Ereshkigal points out and indeed this is one of the reasons I didn't build a company at Type-moon but the reason there was technology wasn't advanced yet hell it's 2005-2006 there.

"Meh I can just casually release evidence of it both mathematical and magical for the two sides of the world" I mean it should be fine right then build the company and give it to Michael since I don't want to deal with a second company or just employ people affiliated with Heaven.

"Won't all of these change the plot, after all gods here are questionable at best" Riverzm might get agitated early on but it shouldn't cause anything major.

"Not like everyone has power to traverse dimensions at worst they'd reach ExE of FxF which still in confines of this Dimension and even if they can they'd get wiped out in the void, they can't even traverse Dimensional Gap let alone Void" I point out as I walk.

Since Kuoh is strangely small, unlike Karakura Town. We found the gloomy mansion with crows surrounding it.

"Talk about being hidden in plain sight" I as the crowd wink at my wives...

I am not about to get jealous over some crows...

"Girls that's watching the town are reckless"Eresh says as she releases some of her divine power and knocks out the crows.

"Well then let's go see the maker of Blazer Shining or Darkness Blade" I say with a small chuckle. Seriously everyone has a chuuni phase.

"DON'T SAY THAT NAME!" Azazel's voice comes from the mansion as he screams in terror, the people who know about it are limited with Heaven's high command and Grigori's generals so it's a sore spot for him.

"Huh turns out he's listening" My wives giggle.