Bored Magician is Dangerous

"So remind me why I am here Azazel?" I ask Azazel as I ignore the rest of the people at the table.

I am especially ignoring Sona who is glaring at me, Sera has told her that I am the reason her sister has a sentient Magical Girl Wand with power to destroy universes.

"You were the one that killed Kokabiel out of boredom and you ask why you're here?" Sirzechs points out.

"Come on! I beat stronger dogs, there's nothing to talk about, he was nothing."

Phantasmal Wolf counts as a dog right?

"He wasn't a dog!" Michael says with a bit force I guess he didn't like my attitude.

"Don't you think that makes it more sad than anything else you could have said."

I counter him causing him to stop to a crawl.

"*Cough* Anyway you're here to tell your part after kids do theirs. Please, you can at least do that"

Sirzechs says from his seat as Grayfia gets to work for drinks.

"Wait I have my own beverage" I say as I pull out a fresh batch of my newest beans.

"That's not cursed right?" Azazel ask I pretend to be offended.

"How dare you say that I drink this stuff myself I cultivated them especially for my own enjoyment"

"Then please do share I bet it's good stuff" Keikaku doori.

Grayfia takes the big thermostat in my hand and pours a cup for Azazel first since he was the one that asked then she just ignores the insanity while filling my cup.

*Coffee cheers*

"It seems we're in a important meeting lads please behave yourselves" Azazel's cup chimes

"YESS!" My own cup answer.

Azazel drinks his coffee in one big sip and turns to me with betrayed eyes as I sip on my cup.

"I hate you" You can almost see the hatred in his voice.

"Thank you" I genuinely thank him this stuff is the reason I got up from bed.


Everything proceeds as it's in the novel after Issei and Rias leaves to save Koneko and Gasper I get up, I waited until Issei got the armband that will let him go Balance Breaker now that he has that he can take on Vali, I showed end this quickly since it got boring.

You now life is meaningless when Issei's antics doesn't make you laugh.

"Fujimaru what are you doing?"

"Fixing time" I say casually as runes made of rainbow colors burst out of my body and my real eyes reveal themselves.

"Time I command thee to run once more" I need to add some flavor otherwise they won't take it seriously.

It's actually a basic thing to do with Kaleidoscope it's one of the first things I learned to stop Eri's quirk.

This is just another application of temporal manipulation.

As I say, time starts moving not even Gasper's sacred gear can stop it if I say it's going to run this in return frees up rest of the high powered people that's protecting people and they gang up on Katherine or whatever that bitch's name is.

Since Sirzechs got in the fight Serafall was left alone and came to my side with Ruby she's using it as if she had it from birth.

"Why didn't you do that before Fujimaru-kun" Serafall asks with a pout.

I just pointed at Sasuke the Gray back stabbing Azazel.

"Oh! I see, then why not catch him now?" Sera furrows her eyebrows trying to find a reason for my inaction instead doing it herself.

"He didn't really betray he's doing it for better Intel, this is the last time they're going to fight to death." I say giving a little spoiler.

"How do you know" Sera asks her voice serious this time.

"Look in my eyes Serafall" She looks at my eyes which is actually a big mistake.


"I know everything" I say causing her to take a step back, her face is pale, more than anyone I am aware that my eyes are like abyss it's dangerous to look at them for long.


We treaty was signed after Vali retreated and I got into another pseudo interrogation.

"What about the sword you have you claimed to get it from trash but I don't think anyone would throw such sword" Michael asks as he glares holes in me with his eyes.

I am starting to think he has some kind of precognition and knows that I am going after his sister.

"I am telling the truth, the king that used this sword said 'it got dirty and no longer fit for my treasury if you're fine with using other's trash be my guest' " I mean Gilgamesh was humoring himself but he indeed gave me a pass.

"King? Which one" Sera asks.

"Gilgamesh of Uruk" I reply like I am talking about some random dude.

"That men died years ago" Michael interjects.

"So, I proved Multiverse, time travel is even easier" 

"Wait you were the one that did that!?"

"Yeah, I do that kind of stuff from time to time, I even had Babylonian cocaine with Gilgamesh he's awesome to hangout with" 

I should do that later, with Eresh here I can get those black stones then I just need to figure out what are the white ones.

"You're insane!" Thanks.

"Yeah what of it?"

"Anyway why did you call the sword Durandal?"

"Because that's it's name, apparently it was a spear before but it broke and turned into sword"

I talked about the sword until I got bored again thankfully it was over turns out Gilgamesh here has the same appearance as the Type-moon one they went white when I showed some pictures of him and I trying to balance EA on a girls head.

I also added the TV benefits to the peace treaty that would help them a lot I can already see Amaterasu begging for it.


I met Gabriel, it appears that Michael sent her since he wasn't sure about my mental state.

Sure I am bored and insane but he made a mistake.

Hahahaha dude sent a swan to a lion.

Scratch that I can see it in Gabriel's eyes she's no where close to the naive girl she's acting as.

Man this is awesome, now I just need to get her on my side.

Wait let me hack heaven real quick.


I sneaked into heaven and Cortana hacked into it.

We made some fun changes like allowing sex, drinking and such, we also changed the sacred gear system, now sacred gears won't work against factions that join the treaty.

I mean there's bunch of codes that makes sure no one is backstabbing each other but Hero faction can't use their weapons against treaty now.

Let's see them being heroes without the toys god gave them.

Also Cortana automated the system before locking everyone out.




Angels discovered the situation all heaven is on a massive reproduction phase. They're actually thinking it's a blessing from God.

Story is that it's remnant of God's will managed to get strong enough to make the change that will save his children and died.

The same "Remnant" Also asked Gabriel to get on my side....

'Was that morally wrong?'



I won't touch her unless she wants to that's the best I can do at this point.

I think Michael knows but dude is scared shitless due to everything I did just because I am bored.

I even polished skull of Hades while he was in a meeting until it was shiny as a mirror, that was hilarious

Damned skull is shinier than my future it's awesome.

He's still looking for the man did that and even worse he can't get the shine off I heard he even planted his face to shit but still kept it's shine.


Got together with Gabriel...

Actually it quickly turned into a foursome and damn that angel is naughty.

Well I am not complaining, not at all. That breasts deserve every praise they get.


I have discovered somethings, first I am weaker than Ophis, well that's a given since she's one of the strongest out there in DxD and I haven't been working on my body.

On magical side Ophis can match my Infinity with her own and she can just crush me physically.

Second she somehow sees me as a relative since apparently we're both holding "Infinity"

She also shoved a snake down my throat that tied my magic circuits with Kaleidoscope thus giving me infinite prana without even using Kaleidoscope to draw from it.


Fujimaru Ritsuka (Total Power)




MP :★

LUK: ★

NP: Prototype Class Card Ultimatrix, Durandal.


The mystic code is finished earlier than I expected, well it's not finished but I got the most of the tedious magecraft parts finished and it works, actually I am using it with my two cards I can even mix Archer and Caster together to make a mixed class but sadly me and Azazel discovered that the tech base we had wasn't enough for the things we planned for this "Gauntlet" so I am in need of more technology.

Although Cortana loved her new house, her soul is still tied to me and always will be but having her own housing is nice for her but I need more technology if I want this to work as intended.

No, not just any technology, magic technology and it's only at one place I know it looks like I am going back to school.

This time it's a magic high school.

Nah I am kidding Godsuya would vaporize my ass the moment I step inside that school but maybe I should try it.

He wouldn't do anything unless I am a threat.

It's not like he can't feel emotions he just doesn't experience them at full power and only loves his sister(Totally sibling love nothing sexual)

I should give him some sentient coffee, maybe that would jump start his emotions.

What could go wrong like his own precognition won't pick me up since I am not a threat to Miyuki and the only girl that draws my interest there is Saegusa Mayumi.

Yeah she can be the last girl I am going after.

Yosh it's settled.

I can even pass my mystic code as CAD.


"You guys are not coming?"

"Nope we're fine here and I adopted Ophis" Ereshkigal says with a smile while hugging Ophis into her chest.

Poor Ophis got tamed by her authority and excessive amounts of sweets Kaguya is baking.

Well she looks happy so it's fine.

I look over to the rest of my wives they're staying here as well apparently.

I guess no one wanted to see futuristic Japan at 2090's with Magic Technology.


I get ready to use my newest jump spell and jump to some time before the start of Irregular at Magic High School, after all I am going to be needing identity and get in the school as well.

I should revert my age to proper age as well I think Tatsuya's eye can pick up on my age.

[Master we should be strong enough to do that now]

"You mean the fragment soul Reincarnation?"

[Yes, the magic of that world is rather peculiar and like you said Tatsuya can see through your physical age and with this you would get a second body as well]

"But I would also need to adjust since it's going to be like transmigration."

Well whatever let's fucking do it, I would have said YOLO but it's an old meme and clearly doesn't apply to me.

"Any power loss ?"

[Physical power obviously but other than nothing, chakra and magic circuits tied to the soul and you can access your inventory where ever you are]

Fine I can get in the same dojo as Tatsuya, Kokonoe is the one of the best that setting offers.

Let's start it up and implant some guidelines to follow for me before I take my memories back.