On The Way

"First you're late and now you're sitting next to me with a clear teasing smile, what did I do to deserve this? Look at Hattori, he looks like he wants to eat me alive!" I say mockingly to Mayumi who's sitting next to me.

She was late due to her work of being a Ten Master Clan member. That's normal, it's fine and I already knew about it but her sitting next to me caught me off guard.

I wasn't expecting this, not at all. I guess those candies were really good.

I was expecting to steal her heart after she learns about Miyuki and Tatsuya getting engaged since it appears I have a inferiority complex when it comes to him somehow but it seems I need to change my plans.

"Hmm it's almost sounds like you don't want me Ritsuka-kun" Mayumi replies with a pout, to be honest not many of my wives pout so it's refreshing to see a cute girl I am interested pout.

"Ahhh, somehow calling me Ritsuka feels more distanced" I say with a wince.

"Yeah, I think I should stick with Fujimaru for now" Mayumi agrees. It's weird to be called with my first name, only Eresh and my mother calls me with my name. I always got called with my last name or with my full name.

"I heard you didn't want anyone to do handle your CAD, are you okay with that? You're already going to get tired from the competition." Mayumi asks, I can hear her concern.

"Yeah, I will be fine I can't calibrate other's CADs but I am fine with my own. Although I am concerned with the security of the venue" Knowing the shit that's coming our way with No Head Dragon gang.

"You're too paranoid Fujimaru." Mayumi says as she pats my shoulder, I am tempted to say it's not paranoia if you know it's coming but that would make it worse.

"I did say Mibu was being controlled" I argue.

"That was a lucky guess"

"Well, I just smell trouble."

"I will give you a treat then"

"When did I become your pet?" She just giggled.

"Here I heard you can wear accessories during events I got you these" I say while pushing her the mentioned gift.

This is the best thing I can give her considering her nickname but if I remember she hated that nickname.

Mayumi takes the box and opens it as the whole bus watches what's coming out of it.

It's a pair of elven ear attachments. After all she wouldn't be Elven Princess if she doesn't look the part.

"It fits your nickname" I say with a satisfied smile.

"Thank you Fujimaru Ritsuka-san" Oh she doesn't sound thankful at all. I can see Mari is trying to suppress a laughter and fail.

"Please be lenient with your revenge."

"I will consider it."


As I was expecting the car to come towards us, I reinforced myself and catched Mayumi when the bus did a sudden turn.

Then I amplified my voice with a spell I found in the library while adding some mental suggestion spell alongside it from my own list of spells to ensure these idiots can hear me and follow my orders.

"EVERYBODY STAY YOUR HAND!" Hearing the voice of authority people stopped trying to use magic and I used my CAD to channel Kaleidoscope since I wanted to try something out.

Rainbow colored magic sequences came to life as flaming car hits into the near invisible grey wall of compressed space.

After the spell however my CAD catches on fire which I just threw it on the ground and stomped on it with my feet until all that left was a pile of garbage.

After everything was done I turn to the people looking at me weirdly.

"Well, not even I can fix this anymore." Joke falls on deaf ears while everyone is whispering about what kinda spell I used to make a CAD catch on fire.

"Fujimaru are you okay!?" Well, at least Mayumi cares.

"Yeah sorry I overloaded that one in my hurry."

"Why was your sequences rainbow colored?" Hattori jumps in like the asshole he is.

"Because I am fancy like that, now we should call the cops and inspect the wrecked car." I dismiss him and gather the pile of garbage that used to be my CAD thankfully NSC gives us CADs made for the competition.

Getting out I can see Tatsuya giving me a 'how in the hell did you bend space' look which I just gave him the garbage pile while saying it's one of those things I can't tell.

He won't pursue it openly this way but seriously I can't explain Kaleidoscope to anyone since they either wouldn't understand or go crazy.

The reason I am making myself vulnerable like this is because of my new plan, since even after getting into Mayumi's heart, it doesn't guarantee her hand in marriage.

Now the plan is making a good show at the NSC and make sure I have open points which can be exploited so when I am in "danger" which I can make sure Yakumo to not handle it for me so Saegusa family can "lend me a hand" to "save" me by marrying me to Mayumi.

Her father tried to do that with Tatsuya and I am going with this tedious but hopefully successful plan.


"Yep! it's a car crash" I say to lighten the sour mood of the trio of seniors and Tatsuya who is literally radiating an aura that screams "Now this is personal".

"Thanks for trying Fujimaru but this is serious."

"Well I tried."

Back on the bus Hattori thanked me for my reasonable action while he berated himself for not doing anything, I am not about to console him since seriously I was the only one following the protocol.

"By the way how did you increase your voice?" Hattori asks it's a useful spell when you're leading people.

"It's a minor spell it should be in school library, I don't know it's name but it doesn't need a CAD to cast so it's useful in situations like this." Yes, I got that spell from this world, it's ridiculous that people don't use it.

"I see I will try to find it, thank you again."

"I saved myself stop thanking" more like I did it since it was going to look cool with me trashing the CAD to save everyone but I can't reveal my thick skin yet.

After we waited for the cops to inspect the wrecked car and workers to clean the road we continued our ride.

Our school is rather close to the stadium where competition is being held so we weren't late, actually even with Mayumi being late we still had hours to spend but those hours gone to the traffic accident.

Once we finally arrived at the hotel I hanged around Tatsuya as he shared his suspicion on the accident but didn't get far into it since we're in public.

We were talking about the veritable pile that was once my CAD which I just let Tatsuya have it, it can't be recovered even with Regrowth, well I know it can't but Tatsuya will learn about it later.

Our conversation was smashed apart by a cheerful Erika who happily informs us that "the gang" is all here for the event thanks to her family connections and got in the banquet after she applied as a waitress and forced the others to come and work as well.

Unfortunately I was assigned into the same room as Morisaki since we were somehow put into the same Monolith Code team and they expected us to get along.

Honestly I am just going to let him do the leading and salvage the situation whenever he fails and "save them" when our match gets sabotaged by the gang but make sure they'd get some injuries that would put them out since my teammates have no chance against Masaki's team and even though I want the spotlight there would be too much eyes on me if I beat them 3 vs 1.

Tatsuya would appreciate that I am going to take on Masaki since I need the spot light and he wants away from it he can just be smart and take on George.

[Master tell me the truth do you have a man crush on Tatsuya?]

'I chose to remain silent'

Don't get me wrong though I am going full power with my MCA and I am going to give strategic advise, it's on Morisaki if he doesn't want to use it.

After a couple hours we're refreshed and ready to join the banquet that was made on the same day everyone arrived like they are mocking us.

I call bullshit, like we just got here and you want me to wear my extra stuffy uniform back and go to a banquet in which all we're going to do is just act polite and try not to embarrass yourself.

I don't even know what a banquet is I would have avoided it if I can but they don't let us skip it and I can't just injure myself to get away from it.

I am just going to stay on the side and blend in with the wall maybe use a genjutsu to hide and hope that I won't trip when Mayumi eventually asks me for a dance since there's no way she won't notice me being all introverted and it's a perfect revenge for the elven ears I gave her.

[Master calm down, just use hypnosis on yourself and let me handle the dance I have some ideas]


One self hypnosis later I was ready as I ever will be.