Unexpected Developments

[Dear readers I have finished Irregular at Magic High School portion and due to this I have to make some extensive *cough* "research" for the Testament Sister New Devil before writing, so I will be posting one chapter a day to re read the light novel or just re watch the anime and make sure there's daily uploads]

[There's 9-10 chapters before this arc ends]


Thanks to our current enemies being taken care of for now, I returned the Magatama to Shiba siblings which actually they forgot about it...

I am not commenting on that. I also gave my second prototype of Ultrimatrix to FLT while I am using the current one.

Remember kids, if you have unlimited resources always make two copies of your projects, on another note I have been pestered near constantly about class cards, heroic spirits and the spells I used during the fight.

Not like I don't want to explain I already gave the gang a summary but it wasn't enough for Mari and Mayumi thankfully Juumonji is still very scared of me and my sentient food.

"Fujimaru what did you do to Lu Ganghu? his bones turned to dust they healed him but still..." Mari has been asking me this for a while, I guess it blew her confidence, to be honest I didn't do anything to him which is correct I just bended the space around him.

"Like I said before I didn't use any spells on him" I say one more time before going on my patrol. finals are coming I should start uploading books to Cortana again.

Poor AI has been trying to get 85 years of updates done, it nearly has been a year but there's not much progress.

Now that the Yokohama incident is finished we have dimensional parasites and Lina coming up...

Can I just end the whole arc by locking the dimensions around the world?...

But I want to see how they look since they were semi invisible in the novel and not like they kill anyone I know.

Yeah let's get me some parasites.


I dodge the sword that's coming from above and move in the opening of my opponent and slash at her side but she manages to parry my attack and counters it.

After some more exchange between us we both stop.

"Well damn you're clearly a master swordsman but you're lacking experience compared to someone like me Fujimaru, who taught you how to fight?" Erika asks while wiping her sweat.

After she saw me with a sword I was basically blackmailed into fighting her, that photo of Medea kissing me is dangerous material.

"Do you remember my explanation about heroic spirits?" I ask her while my sweat is sens out of reality with a flex of Kaleidoscope.

"Yeah, don't tell me you got some famous hero to teach you" Erika is looking at me with some hope.

"King Arthur and a Japanese Archer who knew his way with swords although King Arthur didn't have much time before she had to go back to the throne" I say remembering the glutton Saber and cynical Bowman.

"Wait she what do you mean she?"

"King Arthur is a women"

"Oh... Nice"


"Then how did Mordred happen?" Erika asks with confusion.

"Merlin made some adjustments to Artoria which that was her original name" Hearing "Adjustments" Erika goes red and throws her bokken to me.


"You have been summoned, I can stop it but it will cost me so I am not stopping it" Yakumo explains while I am wondering why he's going around the bushes.

"Then why bother saying it, who wants to meet me?"

"Yotsuba Maya" He says without any of his usual mirth and other stuff he normally does he is serious which is something I see for the first time.


"You're not afraid"


"Well let's hope you come out safe since last person that made her mad is no longer has social status" She didn't kill them?


"Anyway 101st battalion also wanted to meet you but your actions says more than you and you're friends with Tatsuya so they can wait until you bring aliens or something like that"

"I won't bring aliens... Maybe not for now." I mean my wives would eventually get here for a vacation.

"Well that's all I wanted to say by the way you shouldn't make your little girlfriend wait" Hearing Yakumo I turned around to see Mayumi entering the dojo's garden

"How come your senses are better than mine, sure I am limiting myself a bit but..."

"Experience little grasshopper, experience. Now go, I will bring you to Yotsuba Manor once the date is set" He pats my shoulder and leaves me with Mayumi who just crossed the threshold of the inner part of the dojo where me and Yakumo were sitting.

"Fujimaru, I was told you are here?"

"Yeah, I am coming"


So me and Mayumi is sitting at the garden of the dojo drinking green tea much to disappointment of Mayumi who is adoring the sentient coffee, others were "kind" enough to get out of our eyes but they're still in the shadows listening us.

"So, may I learn what made you visit me in my semi home?" I ask, not that I am not happy but she's probably here to invite me.

"You know, we as the people from Ten Master Clans have to give reports to the head of the family without fail." She informs me while looking really uncomfortable.

"That's involves me because?" I say guessing the rest.

"Because my father wants to meet you..." Jackpot.

"Why?" He probably wants me to marry Mayumi before I get taken.

"He didn't say but space magic was theorized to be impossible but here you are using it like it's no different than breathing" I wonder if USNA knows and would try to capture me, that can be fun. Last time I checked US flag was still out there on the moon maybe I can take them to see it.

Although flag lost its color due to radiation but the sentiment is what counts.

"Well at this point breathing is harder..." My last comment doesn't escape Mayumi.

"What's the most ridiculous thing you can do with it anyway" Mayumi says looking really annoyed for some reason.

To answer her I snap my finger and boom we're on Mars but it's sunrise, well it's going to be sunrise in about a couple hours.

"Welcome to Mars" I declare as I get up from my previous sitting position.

"Wha- what!?" Poor girl's mind is blown, she gets up and starts exploring while I set up a little kitchen set since it was around my second lunch time.

"Fujimaru this is amazing! wha- what are you doing?"

"Food, I am hungry do you want to join?"

"Sure but where did you get the...." Before she can ask I teleport a table and two chairs.

While I am cooking Mayumi asks me questions about my magic which when I explained she looked at me as if I was kidding with her.

"You can't just say "I imagine it and it works!" "

"It's not my fault it works like that, you saw what happened to the CAD when I tried to use it with it"

"I can't believe it..."

"Anyway here two Omlette Du Fromage and sentient coffee as beverage" I presented the dishes with pride.

"Isn't that just omlette with cheese why say it in French" Mayumi says with a laugh.

"Ohh laugh all you want but that line got me laid once"

"Hold up there's laws against that!"

"There laws against that on earth or Japan I wasn't on earth at that time" Earth Bet isn't Earth.

"So you're not virgin?" Why not ask about aliens instead of that?

"Would you believe if I said they have technology that can reverse that?" I say as if it's nothing.

"That's not the point but anyway I will eat it"

"Please do I am no Emiya but I worked hard on it"

"It's fine but who's Emiya?"

"A friend who cooks god level food too bad he is unavailable at the moment"

"So you're not virgin and you clearly had something with Medea, you have a lot to explain Fujimaru Ritsuka-san"

"He's fucked now" Shut it coffee you guys are not helping me here.


I explained what went down with Medea and Simurgh which I didn't give any names just said "world ending AI subdued by me using this method"

"Well not like I am your fiance or anything why am I questioning you?" Mayumi says with confusion and irritation, this girl had to process too many information at once and she's quite confused due to what her father asked her which means it's prime time to attack while she's vulnerable...

"Hmm do you want to be Mayumi?" I say while getting next to her and taking her hand.

"You know it's not my choice" Mayumi says with a frown, she doesn't seem sad but more like she's confused.

"So you'd be fine with me if it was your choice?"

"Yes... I mean I'd consider it at least yeah, you'd definitely be on the list, at the top really ahhh what am I saying" Well I guess my attack was a bit too much...

"Mayumi, I think we both know what your father wants so it's actually up to you"

"How do you know!?" She yells at me, like damn my left ear is out.

"It's not hard to guess your father's actions"

"Hahaha he's going to be surprised when he hears that"

"So we're good?"

"Yeah... but think about it properly before coming to my house" She says while giving me a smile.

I got one of my objectives finished...

I will have to tell her the harem now don't I...

"Mayumi actually there's something you need to know before that"


We came back from Mars with Mayumi smiling radiantly like she got the best present in her life while I had a giant red hand mark on my face...

Ohh I didn't fail but getting slapped was the price for my "perversion" it seems humans tend to cave in when your first three wives are either mythical in nature or straight up alien.

Either way I send her to home and came back to get my backpack.

"Are you winning son?" Yakumo asks.
